HCI Bibliography : HCI Webliography : HCI-SITES : CONSULTANTS

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Consultants with a focus on HCI.

The HCI consultants list is a free service to the HCI community. Consultants are listed geographically, but the list begins with a list of other lists. See also COMPANIES.

Listing is free for any consultant who appears to be doing work related to HCI -- click on Suggest-a-Link and fill in the form, avoiding promotional superlatives that will be edited anyway. Listing does not imply any endorsement of any kind.

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CONSULTANTS : Consultants with a focus on HCI

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  1. Instone, Keith
    Keith Instone
    This is my professional site where I blog, post presentations and writings, and fold in content from my other sites.
  2. Noldus Information Technology
    Noldus Information Technology
    "Tools for HCI research and usability testing"
  3. Thought Leadership | The Usability People
    The Usability People provide recruiting, job placement and User Experience (UX) consultation services.
  4. Allied Testing
    * United Kingdom; United States; Russia; Moldova info@alliedtesting.com
    Allied provides a proprietary methodology to assess the usability of a web site, software tools for fast and effective testing, and automatically generated reports.
  5. Usability professionals consultants list
    * many locations
  6. Philips Design - Interactive Services
    * many locations worldwide Philips Design
    We offer our design services, including Interactive Design, to a wide portfolio of clients, active in industries ranging from consumer electronics, domestic appliances, consumer and professional lighting applications, city beautification, transportation, telecommunications and more.
  7. User Intelligence English
    Amsterdam User Intelligence Victor Geerdink geerdink@userintelligence.com
    User Intelligence delivers User Experience services that can be instigated in various stages of the project life-cycle.
  8. Ergonomics in Australia
    Australia Mark Dohrmann and Partners Pty Ltd mark@ergonomics.com.au
    "workplace planning and injury prevention"
  9. Performance Technologies Group (PTG)
    Australia Craig Errey craige@ptg-global.com
    We ensure that your technology investments deliver real business outcomes -- compelling customer experience, better staff efficiency and a stronger platform to compete more effectively. PTG provides strategy, requirements, user interface design, development
  10. Hiser Group
    Australia, Melbourne The Hiser Group (Melbourne) Sarah Bloomer sarahb@mel.hiser.com.au
    Australian consultancy in user interface design and interaction design since 1991.
  11. UCDesign Australia
    Australia, Melbourne UCDesign Pty Ltd Helen Kieboom hkieboom@ucdesign.com.au
    Australian HCI and web evaluation
  12. Different
    Australia, NSW, Sydney Different Clarissa Mattingly clarissa.mattingly@different.com.au
    Strategic, multi-disciplinary Sydney and Melbourne based company passionate on delivering experience design.
  13. Look and Feel Australia
    Australia, NSW, Sydney Look and Feel Australia Cliff Wilding info@lookandfeel.com.au
    Australian user-centred design consultants with extensive experience in web site and application user interface design, usability testing, IT strategy consulting and user-centred marketing. Australasian and US experience.
  14. Working Armour - Occupational Health and Safety - Safety Consultants English
    Australia, NSW, Sydney Working Armour Julie Armour julie@workingarmour.com.au
    Analysis of human factors and ergonomic interaction with computers from a physical and cognitive ergonomic perspective.
  15. Peak Usability are web usability and accessibility consultants based in Brisbane, Australia. English
    Australia, Queensland, Brisbane Peak Usability Tania Lang info@peakusability.com.au
    Peak Usability is a web usability and accessibility consultancy based in Brisbane, Australia. We work with business to help achieve their business goals by facilitating the development of highly usable and effective websites, intranet sites and applications. In addition to our core team of consultants, Peak Usability have partnerships with ICT consultancy and design firms to deliver end-to-end solutions to meet all of our client's needs. Peak Usability is a Queensland Government GITC V5 accredited business (Term Agreement Q-2171) and an Australian Government Endorsed Supplier under the Commonwealth Government's Endorsed Supplier Arrangement (ESA).
  16. Clive Conway. Experience designer, Information architect and Technical writer English
    Australia, South Australia, Adelaide Clive Conway me@cliveconway.com
    Clive Conway is a consulting Experience designer, Information architect and Tech writer based in South Australia and serving clients globally.
  17. Hiser Group (Sydney)
    Australia, Surry Hills (Sydney), New South Wales Susan Wolfe susanw@syd.hiser.com.au
  18. Quoin Technology: Performance Support Consultants
    Australia, Sydney Quoin Technology Pty Ltd Theresa Masterton theresa_masterton@quoin.com.au
    Usability consultants and web interface development.
  19. Reuten Consulting
    Australia, VIC, Melbourne Reuten Mark Reuten mark@reuten.com.au
    Reuten is a consulting firm providing companies with useful and easy to use interactive products. We offer information architecture, user experience and usability evaluation services.
  20. Addictive Media - User Experience Design English
    Australia, Victoria, Melbourne Addictive Media Andreas Boehmer aboehmer@addictivemedia.com.au
    Focused on Usability and Accessibility Consulting and Development
  21. Echo Interaction Design English
    Australia, Victoria, Melbourne Echo Interaction Design Shane Morris shane@echointeraction.com.au
    User interface design and usability consultancy based in Melbourne and working throughout the region. 15 years experience in GUI's, web, mobile and devices.
  22. Scenario: risk management and human factors consulting
    Australia, Victoria, Melbourne Scenario Mark Andrew mark@scenario.net.au
    Human Factors and Risk Management services focusing on high reliability industries.
  23. Stamford Interactive English
    Australia, Victoria, Melbourne Stamford Interactive Paul Cruse info@stamfordinteractive.com.au
    Stamford Interactive is a wholly Australian owned usability and user-centred design consultancy based in Melbourne and Canberra and operating nationally.
  24. Usability One - User Interface Research and Evaluation
    Australia, Victoria, Melbourne Toby Biddle toby@UsabilityOne.com
    Australian usability consultants
  25. eager beaver media - web consultants
    Australia, Victoria, Melbourne eager beaver media pty ltd Natasha Wood nwood@eagerbeavermedia.com
    eager beaver media is a print and online media company specialising in web development: web usability, information architecture, print-to-online content conversion and online content provision. Corporate writing and editing services are also provided.
  26. Holzinger, Andreas
    Austria Institute of Medical Informatics Graz University Andreas Holzinger andreas.holzinger@meduni-graz.at
    Research and Consulting to realize easier, simpler and faster usable Information Systems.
  27. Interface Consult
    Austria, Vienna Martina Manhartsberger mm@usability.at
  28. USECON - The Usability Consultants GmbH German English
    Austria, Vienna Peter Messner usecon@usecon.com
    USECON focuses on the needs and expectations of human beings as well as on human beviour to define conrete requirements for the development of systems and user interfaces. Usecon provides consulting, quality assurance and human centric solutions for optimized usability through the whole development process of products and systems.
  29. Global User Experience blog English
    Belgium, Antwerp 290s Peter Van Dijck petervandijck@gmail.com
    A blog and consultancy focused on global user experience and information architecture. Includes free reports and such.
  30. Human Interface Group, European usability company English
    Belgium, Antwerp, Mechelen Human Interface Group Johan Verhaegen johan.verhaegen@higroup.com
    Human Interface Group is a European usability company. We give technology a 'human face', no matter the business, industry, applied development methodology or development phase.
  31. AGConsult: web usability & information architecture English, Dutch, French
    Belgium, Boom AGConsult Karl Gilis karl.gilis@agconsult.be
    AGConsult is a Belgium based company of web usability experts and information architects. We do research, teach seminars and give advice about web usability to private companies and government agencies.
  32. Fosatti, Ferruccio English
    Belgium, Brussels Ferruccio Fossati ferrucciofossati@yahoo.com
    The internet site of Ferruccio Fossati, an IT professional, based in Belgium, with strong interests on usability engineering that promote the user centered approach to computer technology development.
  33. Namahn
    Belgium, Brussels Namahn Joannes Vandermeulen jv@namahn.com
    Company web site with resources area
  34. User interface & usability testing services English
    Belgium, Brussels ux consult Liesbeth Weeghmans liesbeth.weeghmans@uxconsult.be
    ux consult is specialize in user interface design, usability tests, expert evaluations, customer journeys, ...
  35. The Portal Company Dutch English French
    Belgium, OVL, Gavere The Portal Company Christopher Willems info@portalcompany.be
    Consultancy on effective website design: usability studies and search engine optimalisation.
  36. Lucrat Ltd. - Usability services in Bulgaria English, Bulgarian
    Bulgaria, Sofia Alexander Radev alex@lucrat.net
    Lucrat offers usability services in Bulgaria. We focus primarily on Internet products.
  37. Web Mystery Shoppers International Inc.
    Canada, Alberta, Edmonton Web Mystery Shoppers International Inc. Tema Frank tema@webmysteryshoppers.com
    Testing method has trained, paid testers provide feedback and evaluations of web sites page-by-page as they work from their own computers.
  38. Hibbitts, Paul D.
    Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Hibbitts Design Paul D. Hibbitts paul@paulhibbitts.com
    Interaction designer Paul D. Hibbitts of Hibbitts Design provides user interface design services, including usability evaluations and education, to local and national clients.
  39. VKI Studios - Website Usability and Internet Marketing Consultants English
    Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver VKI Studios John Hossack jhossack@vkistudios.com
    Providing heuristic evaluations, user testing, user centered design, Internet marketing, SEO, and PPC campaign management.
  40. Akendi Experience design English
    Canada, Ontario Akendi Ian Chalmers ian@akendi.com
    End-to-end experience design consulting company.
  41. Human Factors MD Inc.
    Canada, Ontario, Brampton Tim Reeves tim@humanfactorsmd.com
    Making medical and scientific technology usable.
  42. Concept Interactive Inc
    Canada, Ontario, Cambridge Matthew Campbell mcampbell@conceptinc.ca
    We design for your customers, employees, partners and suppliers. They all are seek information, need to perform tasks, they desire efficiency, we seek to satisfy their goals. Concept solutions are structured to improve information access and deployment, we use usability testing and accessibility design to solidify an already well thought out workflow framework. From large-scale content management systems to intranet portal workflow, we work together with our in-house developers to ensure everything from front-end to backend support systems are easy to use.
  43. Convergent Design Inc
    Canada, Ontario, Kanata
    "Helping you design 'products that understand people'"
  44. Human Oriented Technology Lab (HOT Lab) English
    Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Carleton University Richard F. Dillon ddillon@ccs.carleton.ca
    The HOT Lab is a university-based centre for research, education, and consulting that strives to improve interactive technologies for human endeavors with an emphasis on human computer interaction and a user-centred design approach.
  45. Maskery & Associates Inc
    Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Maskery & Associates Helen Maskery maskery@maskery.ca
    "Making technology usable"
  46. Neo Insight - Customer Experience Specialists English
    Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Neo Insight Mike Atyeo info@neoinsight.com
    Neo Insight provides evaluation, design, and training on the customer experience. Our services include information architecture, user interface and Web site design, usability testing, heuristic evaluation. We have many years' experience of working with business, government and non-profit clients.
  47. Positive Interaction, Inc.
    Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Dick Penn dpenn@acm.org
  48. User-Centered Design Services in Ottawa by Hilary Little Ideation & Design English
    Canada, Ontario, Ottawa Hilary Little Ideation & Design Hilary Little Hilary@hilarylittle.com
    Hilary Little Ideation & Design provides user experience design services for small busineses, start-ups, bloggers, non profits and educational institutions. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, I work with clients both near and far.
  49. uiConsulting: Providing complete interface design and development services for websites, intranets, and software applications.
    Canada, Ontario, Ottawa uiConsulting Hilary Little hilarylittle@uiconsulting.com
    Providing complete interface design and development services for websites, intranets, and software applications. Our specialty is creating usable and accessible web interfaces.
  50. Ardelius - Usability Management and Experience Consulting English
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Ardelius - Usability Management and Experience Consulting Tedde van Gelderen business@ardelius.com
    Consulting firm specialising in user experience design, usability, service experience design and management.
  51. Behavioural Team, A Corporation
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Ben Barkow dr.ben@bteam.com
    Bringing Applied Psychology and Information Design to enhance usability... 30 years experience and hundreds of clients
  52. ClickInsight Corp. Web Analytics Consulting
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto ClickInsight Corporation June Li June.Li@ClickInsight.ca
    Web analytics consultant providing Web site and analytics assessments. Recommendations integrate usability and HCI design with online marketing and search.
  53. Don Hameluck Usability Consulting Inc.
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Don Hameluck Usability Consulting Inc. Don Hameluck don.hameluck@dh-usability.com
    Usability services for business systems, technical systems, and the Internet.
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto John W. Senders ergo@ergogero.com
    "ERGO/GERO consultancy which specializes in both technical and legal aspects of human factors, performance and error."
  55. HCI and usability consulting, training and portable evaluation labs
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Userlab Inc. Russ Brown russ@userlab.com
    Experienced HCI and usability consultants and trainers
  56. Interpix Design Inc.
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Interpix Design Inc. Murray Sanders murray@interpixdesign.com
    Consulting company focused on the design of software that is Simply Useful.
  57. Performance by Design
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Performance by Design Frances Bowles frances@pbd.ca
    Consulting firm specializing in product usability and interface design of desktop and web applications.
  58. Sandy Feldman: beautiful, usable & accessible websites
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Sandy Feldman sandy@sandyfeldman.com
    We create beautiful, usable and accessible websites for artists, academics, small business owners and non-profit organizations.
  59. Usability Matters
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto Usability Matters Sarah English info@usabilitymatters.ca
    Usability Matters provides information architecture and usability services that result in usable digital products.
  60. this is datapanik
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto datapanik Adam Smith info@datapanik.com
    datapanik provides user interface design, user centered design, and usability services for software and hardware developers.
  61. merges
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto (Richmond Hill) merges Adam Baker adam@merges.net
    merges is an interaction design & interface design consultancy, offering user-centered design and analysis services to make products and websites more effective.
  62. Ergonaute Consulting
    Canada, Ontario, Toronto / Montreal Ergonaute Consulting Rami Tabbah rami@ergonaute.net
    Rami Tababh, M.Eng, has 12 years experience in UI design and usability. He is the founder of Ergonaute Consulting, lectures at Polytechnique of Montreal and is the communication chair of TORCHI.
  63. Quarry Integrated Communications, Inc.
    Canada, Ontario, Waterloo Deborah Maskens dmaskens@quarry.com
  64. User Element English
    Canada, Ontario, Waterloo User Element Linda Kerley linda.kerley@userelement.com
    User interface design services in Waterloo, Ontario. Providing user research, requirements gathering, interaction and usability design, visual design, usability testing and assessments for software and hardware applications as well as websites.
  65. Cognitive Group - Usefulness and Usability Consulting
    Canada, Quebec, Montreal Francois Aubin faubin@cognitivegroup.com
  66. Yu Centric - Usability Expertise French English
    Canada, Quebec, Montreal Joëlle Stemp info@yucentrik.ca
    User-Centered Design and evaluation of interactive systems.
  67. Sino-European Usability Center English, Chinese
    China, Dalian Sino-European Usability Center, Dalian Maritime University Zhengjie Liu liuzhj@dlmu.edu.cn
    Founded in 2000, Sino-European Usability Center is an usability/HCI research lab and consultancy in China with a team of around 40. It works on projects sponsored by international companies and public funds. It offers Master and PhD programs in HCI.
  68. Apogee Usability Asia Ltd English
    China, Hong Kong Apogee Usability Asia Ltd Daniel Szuc dszuc@apogeehk.com
    Apogee Usability Asia Ltd ("Apogee") is an Asian Usability Research & consulting services provider. Apogee is based in Hong Kong, China.
  69. Customer input Limited English
    China, Hong Kong Customer input Limited David Jacques info@customerinput.com
    Customer research and usability consultancy in Asia with usability lab facilities.
  70. Microsoft Consulting Services
    Denmark, Ballerup Jakob Nielsen jakobpn@microsoft.com
  71. Snitker & Co - Global User Experience Research English, Danish
    Denmark, Copenhagen Snitker & Co Thomas VIsby Snitker thomas@snitker.com
    Does your company or organisation need to evaluate if and how its communication reaches its intended audience? Let us help you define and address your needs -- applying qualitative or quantitative methods, or a combination.
  72. DialogDesign Danish English
    Denmark, Stenlose Rolf Molich molich@acm.org
  73. interUX Usability Engineering Studio OÜ English
    Estonia, Tallinn interUX Usability Engineering Studio OÜ Ivan Burmistrov Ivan@interUX.com
    User experience consultancy offering a full range of user-centered design and evaluation services including user interface design and prototyping, expert evaluations, field studies, usability testing and eye tracking.
  74. Idean Research Ltd English Finnish
    Finland, Espoo Idean Research Ltd Marjut Mutanen marjut.mutanen@ideanresearch.com
    Idean Research provides user experience research and consulting services. Our main focus areas are User Experience Research and Mobile Development Services.
  75. Adage Oy - Usability Services
    Finland, Helsinki Adage Oy Janne Tompuri janne.tompuri@adage.fi
    Providing usability services such as heuristic evaluation and usability testing.
  76. Etnoteam Finland Oy English, Finnish
    Finland, Helsinki Etnoteam Finland Jonas Hafren sales@etnoteam.fi
    An international usability and user experience company. We provide usability testing, evaluations, user interface design and user research services.
  77. Interacta Design
    Finland, Helsinki Sari A. Laakso sari@interacta.fi
  78. Usability testing in France and Europe French, English
    France Axance Frederic Gaillard gaillard@axance.com
    Provides all usability services in multiple countries in Europe
  79. Robert Wisbey
    France, Nantes Robert Wisbey info@robertwisbey.com
    Robert Wisbey is a contract technical author and freelance web designer based in Nantes, France. Web site includes client list, technical documentation samples, CV, availability information, searchable glossary of terms, freelance forum and live web cam.
  80. Alex Poole - Consultant en ergonomie | Consultant in interaction design Francais French English
    France, Paris Alex Poole alex@alexpoole.info
    Design and development of interactive systems that are useful, usable, accessible and appealing. Developpement et conception de systemes interactifs utiles, accessibles, faciles a utiliser et attrayants.
  81. Design for Lucy French English
    France, Paris Fred Fuchs ffuchs@designforlucy.com
    Web usability : testing, expert review, field research, localization. Results delivered in English or French.
  82. SIMPLE D'USAGE, user experience optimization French English
    France, Paris Dolcevista, Inc. Eric Guitteaud contact@simpledusage.fr
    SIMPLE D'USAGE is a usability service dedicated to user experience optimization. By Dolcevista France Office
  83. Usabilis - Web & Software Usability Consulting French
    France, Paris Jean-Francois Nogier nogier@usabilis.com
    Usabilis is a French consulting agency providing usability engineering services for web and user interface design. abilis.com
  84. Utilisabilite du logiciel - Software Usability French
    France, Paris Jean-Francois Nogier jf.nogier@free.fr
    Consultancy services in software and web site design - Conseil en conception de logiciel et de sites internet
  85. Yuseo : The new technologies usability agency French
    France, Paris Christian Bastien cbastien@yuseo.com
    Yuseo is a usability agency specialised in new technologies (Web, hand held devices, etc.). Consultants are ergonomists and usability specialists.
  86. axance.com "web user experience" French English
    France, Paris Frederic Gaillard gaillard@axance.com
    Web usability testing, and web user experience assessment.
  87. A2D Internet Marketing :: Webdesign Agentur :: InterMedia Services German, English, French
    Germany A2D Mike Tan taipanxl@gmx.net
    Usability consultancy and webdesign agency located in Germany since 2004.
  88. CUP User Interface Design German
    Germany CUP GmbH Markus Weidemann info@c-u-p.de
  89. ProContext GmbH (Germany) German
    Germany Thomas Geis thomas.geis@procontext.com
    ProContext is a usability service provider focussing on contextual inquiry, user needs analysis and conceptual design.
  90. Suchmaschinenoptimierung German
    Germany Timur info@senkrecht-it.com
    Usability consultancy and webdesign agency located in Germany since 2004.
  91. User Interface Design GmbH German, English, Swedish, Spanish
    Germany, Baden-Württemberg / Bavaria / Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ludwigsburg, Dortmund, Mannheim, Munich User Interface Design GmbH Marion Gottschling pressekontakt@uid.com
    User Interface Design GmbH (UID) is aiming for optimal user interfaces for our customers, which are intuitive, attractive, and innovative based on user-centered design processes.
  92. UID User Research -- Solutions for usability testing, user experience and user centered design. German, English, Swedish, Spanish
    Germany, Baden-Württemberg / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Bayern, Ludwigsburg, Dortmund, Mannheim, München User Interface Design GmbH Marion Gottschling pressekontakt@uid.com
    A product is successful if it is easy, efficient and enjoyable to use. UID User Research can help you understand the current status of your product's quality of use. User Interface Design GmbH (UID) consults with you on and supports you with your individual user research study.
  93. facit digital - Research for the digital experience. German, English
    Germany, Bavaria, Munich facit digital GmbH Christian Bopp info@facit-digital.de
    facit digital is a research and consulting company for digital media. We support our clients during the entire development process of digital interfaces like websites, intranets, mobile phones etc.
  94. eye square - market research German, English, Italian, French, Chinese
    Germany, Berlin eye square GmbH Sabrina Duda eye@eye-square.com
    eye square offers usability, branding and eyetracking services.
  95. relevantive - user experience architecture German
    Germany, Berlin relevantive AG Marcel Froehlich mf@relevantive.de
    User experience consulting in Germany: user research - strategy - conceptual development - usability testing - optimization.
  96. scoreberlin - Strategic Consulting, Research & Evaluation German
    Germany, Berlin scoreberlin internet consulting & communication Marcus Voelkel mv@scoreberlin.de
    Usability, Consulting & Communication Heuristic evaluations, usability tests and analyses, articles on web and content usability.
  97. akziv gmbh (Germany) - Usability-Engineering and Software-Ergonomics German
    Germany, Bremen, Bremen akziv gmbh (Germany) Uwe Haupt haupt@akziv.de
    akziv gmbh - a spin-off from University of Bremen - Usability isn't the problem - it's the solution.
  98. TUV Secure iT - Certified IT Quality through independent experts
    Germany, Cologne TUV Secure iT GmbH Thomas Geis thomas.geis@de.tuv.com
    Usability testing of interactive products (software and hardware) based on ISO 9241-10 and ISO 9241-11.
  99. ion2s - buero fuer interaktion German
    Germany, Darmstadt ion2s Sebastian Sauer sebastian.sauer@ion2s.com
    ion2s is a company for intelligent interaction concepts and user interface design. They develop easy to use human computer interfaces for software, mobile devices and computer based systems.
  100. Dresdner Usability-Beratung German
    Germany, Dresden Dresdner Usability-Beratung Gunter Dubrau gunter@dubrau.de
  101. User Experience Managements German English
    Germany, Dusseldorf/Essen UE-Management Ralph Hinderberger contact@ue-management.com
    user experience, usability and human factors
  102. BIGPiNG! - Usability and Universal Accessibility in Web Design
    Germany, Hamburg BIGPiNG! oHG Ulrich S. Kapp kapp@bigping.de
    BIGPiNG! realizes barrier-free, usable and W3C validated Webdesign in XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS2.
  103. Webdesign - Hamburg - BIGPiNG! German
    Germany, Hamburg BIGPiNG! OHG Ulrich S. Kapp kapp@bigping.de
    Die BIGPiNG! OHG realisiert barrierefreies und benutzerfreundliches Webdesign in XHTML und CSS2 nach W3C validiert.
  104. Webdesign Hamburg German, English
    Germany, Hamburg Effektor Dag Oellerking d.oellerking@effektor.de
    Experienced usability consultancy and webdesign studio located in Hamburg since 1998.
  105. Webdesign Hamburg German
    Germany, Hamburg
    Designs and builds online applications that are engaging, useful and usable for communication, consultation and collaboration.
  106. human interface.design "designing usability joys" German English
    Germany, Hamburg human interface.design Frank Jacob fjacob@human-interface.de
    hi.d is a design studio specialized in the user interface design development for technical products and software applications.
  107. Savigny User Research Deutsch, English
    Germany, Hamburg, Hamburg Savigny User Research Peter V. Savigny pvs@savigny-userresearch.de
    Research on the real everyday usage of websites, intranets, mobile applications and software delivers added value over usability lab testing.
  108. torbar web usability German
    Germany, Hannover Torsten Bartel torsten.bartel@torbar.de
    Usability Evaluation, Usability Testing, Web Site Optimization, Mobile Devices
  109. usability.de - Usability Company in Germany German, English
    Germany, Hanover usability.de Torsten Bartel info@usability.de
    usability.de specialists for usability testing, eye tracking, usability analysis
  110. Visuelle Kommunikation im Print- und Digitalbereich German
    Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hansestadt Rostock medienlab | werbeagentur Mike Schönfelder kontakt@medienlab.de
  111. HCI Specification Open Knowledge German
    Germany, Munich Paul Chlebek p.chlebek@benutzeroberflaeche.de
    Whitepapers und Essays uer Methoden und Werkzeuge der Oberflahenentwicklung.
  112. Digital District GmbH - Usability & User Experience German
    Germany, Northrhine-Westfalia, Dusseldorf Digital District GmbH Alex Stojanovic as@digitaldistrict.de/
    Digital District is an agency for digital communications and offers usability and user experience services. Digital District invented the TIDE(TM) model, which is dedicated to a Total Integrated Digital Experience.
  113. CausaUse Usability & User Experience Consulting German
    Germany, Reutlingen CausaUse Consulting Marc-Oliver Kirsammer info@causause.de
    CausaUse is an Usability and User Experience Consultancy in Germany. We offer a wide range of usability engineering services e.g. usability testing, prototyping, card sorting, cognitive walkthrough and heuristic evaluation.
  114. ERGOSIGN - User centred design services German, English
    Germany, Saarbruecken, Hamburg ERGOSIGN GmbH Marcus Plach contact@ergosign.de
    Our user centred design services comprise user interface design, icon design, styleguide development, usability testing and software development.
  115. Webdesign Saar Internetagentur German
    Germany, Saarland Saarbrucken media2be Agentur fuer Neue Medien, Marketing und Handel Kai Muller kmueller@media2be.de
    media2be erstellt in Saarbrucken Konzepte und Losungen fur alle Bereiche der Online-Kommunikation. Kosten-G?nstig und professionell.
  116. Centigrade GmbH German, English
    Germany, Saarland, Saarbruecken Centigrade GmbH Markus Weber markus.weber@centigrade.de
    Centigrade provides services in the areas of usability engineering, user interface design, user interface development and icon design. Services offered include requirements gathering, usability evaluations, exclusive screen and icon designs as well as specialized Java GUI components and Look and Feels.
  117. sbihl - Webdesign barrierefrei German
    Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Ellerau Stefan Bihl hcibib_org@sbihl.de
    Erstellung von barrierefreien Websites und Beratung zum Thema Usability.
  118. Bogo Vatovec Consulting German
    Germany, Tolmin Bogo Vatovec bogo.vatovec (at) bovacon.com
    Designing Business Interaction
  119. ôlyvon - Interactive content and usability English Greek Spanish
    Greece, Athens olyvon Yolanda Martin yolanda@olyvon.com
    ôlyvon was founded to support companies create digital solutions which customers and employees use resourcefully, productively and efficiently.
  120. Innovart SA
    Greece, Athens Spyros Michailidis Spyros.Michailidis@innovart.gr
  121. hci.gr - HCI Greece
    Greece, Patras University of Patras, Computer Engineering and Informatics Department Spiros Sirmakessis syrma@cti.gr
    hci.gr is the first usability service provider for Greece. We provide design guidelines and evaluation to interactive systems, such as e-commerce applications (b-b & b-c), multimedia applications, e-learning environments and e-banking services.
  122. Complete web usability, quality standards, testing, evaluation, auditing and implementation professionals. Bangalore, India
    India, Bangalore Websickle Usability Consulting Vidya Gopinath vidya@websickle.com
    We help you profit from your web presence by reaching, attracting, converting and retaining maximum users cost effectively through usability, best practices, w3c quality standards and usage centered web designing.
  123. Ergoworks Inc English
    India, Bangalore info@ergoworksinc.com
    Primary healthcare and safety solutions and Ergonomic assistance in India. Learn about Ergonomic Product Design and how to recover from RSI / WMSD and also how to set up a new office.
  124. Human Factors Research & Design English
    India, Bangalore Human Factors Research & Design sabina.krishna@humanfactorsrnd.com
    A full service User Experience & Research organization. Our experience spans across Europe, Asia and Middle East region. We support & engage in various UX & research projects in EMEA, APAC, UK, Emerging Markets (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Our state of the art mobile and fixed labs are designed for all User Experience (UX) study needs supported by our TUX service verticals.
  125. Bapu, Kaladhar English
    India, Hyderabad UsabilityMatters.Org Kaladhar Bapu kbapu@usabilitymatters.org
    Kaladhar Bapu is a user experience designer.
  126. Kern Communications
    India, Hyderabad Kern Communications Ripul Kumar ripul@kern-comm.com/
    Kern provides user research and full lifecycle usability consulting mainly to software product development companies in India.
  127. User Interaction Services from India English
    India, Hyderabad UiSER Innovations PvtLtd Venkat Korasala design@uiser.com
    We are a team working in Usability, Interactive Design and Graphic Design. We offer: design and evaluation services for integrated & multifunctional solutions that help our customers and partners in their business.
  128. HyenaLabs.com: Usability UX & Information Technology Consulting Services English
    India, KA Bangalore BE Arjun Ram iinted@gmail.com
  129. Bardo Usability Design Consultants English
    India, Karnataka, Bangalore Bardo Sathish Kumar info@bardo.in
    Bardo is a Bangalore based Usability Design consultancy specializing in Information Architecture, User Interaction Design and User Interface Design.
  130. Deshpande, Amit | Online Presence
    India, Karnataka, Bangalore Amit Deshpande cybabah @ rediifmail . com
    Design Portfolio...Witness metamorphosis...
  131. Muthukumar, R
    India, Karnataka, Bangalore R. Muthukumar muthuonline@gmail.com
  132. Usability and Product Engineering Consultancy English
    India, Karnataka, Bangalore Usability Consulting India Muralidhar Koteshwar mk@usable.in
    Two decades of Product Engineering and Usability experience for companies like Xerox, Tektronix, Celstream, Trilogy
  133. Usability and Service Design for non traditional user communities
    India, Karnataka, Bangalore Center for Knowledge Societies Amit Pande amit@ict4d.info
    CKS is an Interaction Design and usability research resource in South Asia focusing on non traditional user communities.
  134. Genesis Usability and Human Factors
    India, Maharashtra, Pune Genesis Multidesigners Atul Manohar atul@genesishci.com
    Applying Product design principals to software products and web sites
  135. suavDesign
    India, Maharashtra, Pune suaveDesign Sameer Chavan info@sameerchavan.com
    We are Industrial Designers providing services for Software Usability & Product User interface Design.
  136. Human Factors International Pvt. Ltd.
    India, Mumbai Abhijit Thosar abhijit@humanfactors.com
    Consulting and training in software usability.
  137. Indian Usability and HCI Scenario English
    India, Pune dineshkatre@yahoo.co.in Dinesh Katre dineshkatre@yahoo.co.in
    HCI Vistas e-Journal presents insights into various multi-disciplinary aspects of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Usability through brief articles, research papers and Comptoons. It is meant to encourage and support the budding HCI/Usability practitioners.
  138. SuaveDesign
    India, Pune SuaveDesign info@suavedesign.com
    We are Industrial Designers providing services for Software Usability & Product User interface Design
  139. TRANSLATE-EACH :: RFID and Human-centred Design solutions
    Indonesia, Jakarta, Jakarta TRANSLATE-EASY
    TRANSLATE-EASY translates ideas into RFID and Human-centred Design solutions by emphasising on the innovative cost-reduction and cost-effective approaches.
  140. Frontend
    Ireland, Dublin Frontend James Ivory james.ivory@frontend.com
    Frontend provides user-centred interface design for e-business, software applications, mobile services and a variety of other digital devices.
  141. Heraghty Internet Consultants English
    Ireland, Dublin Heraghty Internet Consultants Michael Heraghty enquiries@heraghty.net
    Heraghty Internet provides a range of design, consulting and usability services. We marry a website's objectives with its users' needs.
  142. V-Ness User Interface Engineering
    Israel Ness Anat S. Amir ui-info@ness.com
    A UI design and Usability Testing team that provides a variety of services (including formal usability testing in a lab). Projects include : WAP, Pocket PC as well as WEb/Win.
  143. ainatte inbal - interaction design
    Israel Ainatte Inbal ainatte2netvision.net.il
    consultant in interaction design and information architecture
  144. RightClick - SCP Human Factors Design
    Israel, Bnei Brak Yossi Avnon avnonj@scp.co.il
    RightClick specializes in designing usable and efficient user interfaces to a broad range of companies in Israel.
  145. Pamam Human Factors Engineering Ltd.
    Israel, Hod Hasharon Michael Brickner michael@pamam.com
  146. UI - Human Factors Ltd.
    Israel, Natanya Yaakov Greensphan yaakov@ui.co.il
  147. Netica - UI and GUI design and development Hebrew English
    Israel, Tel Aviv Netica Ltd. Boaz Rossano info@netica.co.il
    Netica is a design and development services company creating UI & GUI for the high tech industry.
  148. Parlato, Guifo English
    Italy, Milano Higui . Interaction design Guido Parlato guido@higui.it
    Designer focused on the mobile interaction design
  149. ThinkUser: Innovating User Experience Korean, English
    Korea (South), Seoul ThinkUser Matthew Smith global@thinkuser.com
    ThinkUser, an independent user experience consultancy, is in the UX research and design field in South Korea. We provide various companies with usability and user-centered design services, both in Korea and abroad. Our range of expertise includes websites, software, mobile phones and various information/home appliances.
  150. U2 Systems, Inc. - User&Usability Korean, English
    Korea, Rep. of, Seoul U2 Systems, Inc. Sehwa Lee shlee@u2system.co.kr
    Introduction to U2 Systems, Inc. Usability Consulting/UI Development/Ergonomics/GUI
  151. pxd Inc. - UI Consulting Group Korean, English
    Korea, Seoul pxd Inc. Kyongho Kim info@pxd.co.kr
    pxd is a creative design consulting firm specializing in product strategy, interface design and graphic design of digital products and services. Our goal is to create more useful, usable and desirable products. We combine business, technology, marketing and design with insights and vision. To solve the problems and make innovations, we find out not only basic human behaviors also even users' unarticulated needs based on elaborate user research.
  152. The user friendly design partner Dutch, English
    Netherland (Nederland), Enschede Glacimonto Gerard van Os gerard@glacimonto.nl
    Designing new products by evaluation with actual users leads to better products in shorter time. Het ontwerpen van producten door toetsing met echte gebruikers levert beter producten in kortere tijd.
  153. IJsselsteijn, Wijnand
    Netherlands Wijnand IJsselsteijn w.a.ijsselsteijn@tue.nl
    My interest and expertise centers around how humans experience and interact with advanced media technologies, such as stereoscopic television, virtual environments, or mobile communication services.
  154. VHP ergonomics - Solutions for complex ergonomic and usability issues Dutch, English
    Netherlands VHP ergonomics Herman van Veelen hermanvanveelen@vhp-ergonomie.nl
    vhp ergonomics is one of the few specialised consultant organisations in the Netherlands that cover all aspects of ergonomics. Our mission is: realisation of solutions for complex ergonomic issues.
  155. W3use Dutch
    Netherlands info@w3use.nl Oskar van Rijswijk oskar@mijncomputer.nl
    Dutch and English website usability consulting
  156. 2C Communication Consultancy Dutch
    Netherlands, De Meern 2C Communication Consultancy Wouter van den Berg info@2c.nl
    2C is specialized in performing usability tests on websites and software. 2C has a usability testing lab and organizes usability workshops.
  157. Daams Ergonomie, ergonomic and HCI research Dutch, English, French, German
    Netherlands, Laren Daams Ergonomie Brechtje Daams daams@ergonomie.nl
    Our goal is to improve your product. Daams Ergonomie (est. 1998) is specialized in usability test with both physical products and computer interfaces (websites/software). Experiences include Design for All and Cross-Cultural Usability.
  158. valsplat | usability research English Dutch
    Netherlands, Noord Holland, Amsterdam Joris Leker info@valsplat.nl
    Information about usability research methods, our testing lab and a client list.
  159. Usability Onderzoek en Testen Dutch
    Netherlands, Noord-Brabant, Tilburg Estate Internet Solutions Alex Otten im@estate.nl
    Company that designs websites for international companys and uses usability research to increase ROI
  160. Usability Qonvert.com Dutch
    Netherlands, Noord-Holland, Amsterdam Qonvert Hans Keeren hkeeren@qonvert.com
    I am a usability consultant in The Netherlands. I help companies make their website better.
  161. Sotopia - Usability Consultancy
    Netherlands, Rotterdam Soraia Cardoso soraia@sotopia.com
  162. Usabilitytesting.nl
    Netherlands, Soesterberg TNO Human Factors Mark Ruijsendaal info@usabilitytesting.nl
    Usability testing is an important instrument for systematically addressing the user and usage perspective during system (re)development. This site offers several usability testing services.
  163. Meruteam - User Interface Specialists
    Netherlands, Zuid Holland, Den Haag Raghu Kolli info@meruteam.com
    Meruteam located in the Netherlands, provides usability and user interface design services to companies targeting their applications at European users.
  164. The Usability Laboratory
    New Zealand, Hamilton University of Waikato Kirsten Thomson kthomson@cs.waikato.ac.nz
    Usability Strategists and Engineers. NZ's most extensive usability testing and engineering facilities. Methods for any system, any user, at any budget. Industry and government research. Academic research. Industry-academic partnerships.
  165. Human Centred Design
    Norway Human Centred Design Marie Green marie.green@hcd.no
    Human Centred Design is a consultancy specialising in the user-centred design of information and technical systems and equipment. We apply systematic techniques to reduce human error in human-system interaction.
  166. Human Factors Solutions - for simple, efficient, safe and healthy solutions Norwegian
    Norway, Akershus, Ski Human Factors Solutions ANS Hakon Augensen hakon@hfs.no
    HFS contribute to making systems, products, environments and services safe, healthy, easy and efficient to use. If reliability, comfort, userfriendliness and well being is important, human factors must be taken into account.
  167. Scandinavian Usability company Norwegian
    Norway, Oslo NetLife Research Jostein Magnussen jostein@netliferesearch.com
    Scandinavian Usability consultants. Delivers a wide range of usability services
  168. Userminded
    Norway, Oslo Userminded Gautam Ghosh gautam@userminded.no
    A Norwegian usability consultancy focussing on the design and usability of software, interactive services, intranets and mobile products. Developed Turboprototyping for rapid user centered design.
  169. Enfoque Usuario: Expert Reviews, User Interface Design for web apps. Spanish
    Panama, Panama City Enfoque Usuario Elsa Canto W. elsa@enfoqueusuario.com
    Enfoque Usuario is a small User Experience consultancy based in Panama City. We offer User Interface Design for web applications and expert reviews.
  170. user:number 1 English
    Philippines, Cabuyao, Laguna user:number 1 Alan James Salmoni alan@usernumber1.com
    user:number 1 is a consultancy specialising in offshoring user testing and extensive project integration facilities for businesses.
  171. Raquedan, Regnard Kreisler C. English
    Philippines, Manila Regnard Kreisler C. Raquedan regnard@raquedan.com
    Consultant/researcher focusing on web usability, user experience and interaction design.
  172. 4UX - User Experience / Web Usability Consulting
    Poland Tomasz Skórski office@4ux.eu
    User experience / Web Usability consulting services in English and Polish.
  173. Resources in Human Computer Interaction Russian
    Russia, Moscow MIREA University Konstantin Samoilov, HCI Consultant samoilov@hci.ru
    Resources in Human Computer Interaction. Links, articles.
  174. MicroUsability : User Experience Consulting, Training and Design
    Singapore MicroUsability Yogesh Tadwalkar yogesh@microusability.com
  175. User & Co - Bridging users and profits
    Singapore User & Co Shaw Chian shawchian@userandco.com
    Ever been frustrated when you can't find your way around websites? The same could be happening to your customers! The truth is, when users can't find what you're selling on your site, they can't buy it. By simply making your site usable, you can increase sales instantly!
  176. ErgoEstudio: Usability consultant first Spanish eyetracker system Spanish
  177. Roberto Bolullo - Experience designer
    Spain Roberto Bolullo roberto@bolullo.com
    Website dedicated to the contribution of knowledge in Experience and Interaction design/ research.
  178. Juan Rodriguez [Consultor] Spanish
    Spain / Barcelona / Begues Juan Rodriguez [Consultor] Juan Rodriguez consultor@begues.net
    Servicios de Usabilidad para paginas web y aplicaciones informaticas.
  179. Claro Studio Spanish English
    Spain, Barcelona Andrew Peters info@ClaroStudio.com
    User experience design and consulting: - Strategy - Usability - Information Architecture - Requirements - Interface design
  180. UserZoom Spanish
    Spain, Barcelona Customer Research Technology Company Xavier Mestres xmestres@userzoom.com
    Remote Usability and User Experience testing software
  181. albertolacalle.com Spanish
    Spain, Bilbao albertolacalle.com Alberto Lacalle hola@albertolacalle.com
  182. Usability consulting English, Spanish
    Spain, Catalunya, Barcelona Linea 8 rob@linea8.com
    Consultancy specialising in making information usable
  183. Canada, Javier - HCI Consultant (interaction design)
    Spain, Madrid Javier Canada javier@terremoto.net
    Human-computer interaction specialist, strategy, design and usability testing for digital interfaces
  184. Cubillo, Pedro Spanish
    Spain, Madrid Pedro Cubillo Pedro Cubillo pcubillo@alumni.carnegiemellon.edu
    Pedro Cubillo is an independent consultant in HCI focused on usability engineering for software, web and hardware design.
  185. Xperience Consulting Spanish English
    Spain, Madrid & Barcelona Xperience Consulting Alfonso de la Nuez adelanuez@xperienceconsulting.com
    Xperience Consulting helps clients optimize their e-businesses, improving productivity and efficiency by focusing on the on-line experience of the end user. We specialize in business strategy, experiential marketing, information architecture, usability, and human-computer interaction (HCI). We make the web easier to use.
  186. Emergia.net Spanish English
    Spain, Valencia Emergia.net Miguel Arias miguel@emergia.net
    Emergia is a Spanish Internet strategy consulting firm focused on the customer experience. We advise our clients on their Spanish-speaking Internet strategy.
  187. Nomos Management AB
    Sweden, Stockholm Richard Whitehand richard.whitehand@nomos.se
    Nomos is an independent consultancy which supports organisations develop and introduce IT products which are effective and easy to use. Specialising in software/web usability and IT ergonomics services.
  188. Raffinaderiet AB (The Refinery)
    Sweden, Stockholm Raffinaderiet Klas Karlgren info@raffinaderiet.se
    Interaction design and usability for all kinds of interactive systems
  189. Usability Partners
    Sweden, Stockholm Usability Partners Richard Whitehand richard.whitehand@usabilitypartners.se
    A European usability consultancy that supports organisations who wish to ensure that the products they develop are easy to use - whether they be software, interactive web services, intranets, IT hardware or mobile products.
  190. Cambridge Technology Partners
    Switzerland User Experience Group Robert Fuchs Robert.Fuchs@ctp.com
  191. Solution for All
    Switzerland info@s4a.ch
  192. Engineering Psychology Institute Basel (EPi) German
    Switzerland, Basel admin@ep-i.ch Thomas Kopp kopp@ep-i.ch
    EPi is an independent experts and research institute. One of the latest results is the Multiple Walkthrough.
  193. Uservalue - Usability & User Experience (UX) Consulting English, French, German
    Switzerland, Vaud, Lausanne Dorit Horst
    Uservalue, Usability and User Experience (UX) Consulting: The expertise to understand your users and transform your digital interfaces.
  194. soultank ag
    Switzerland, Zug soultank ag Michael Fischer fischer@soultank.ch
    usability consulting for software and hardware.
  195. Stimmt AG German
    Switzerland, Zurich Stimmt AG Stefan Leuthold stefan.leuthold@stimmt.ch
    Zurich-based consultancy specializing in user experience research and user centered design techniques since 1998.
  196. British HCI group consultants list
    United Kingdom
  197. Effortmark Ltd - Usability consultancy specialising in forms
    United Kingdom Effortmark Ltd Caroline Jarrett caroline.jarrett@effortmark.co.uk
    Usability consultancy specialising in forms, and in training in usability
  198. UK Ergonomics Society consultants list
    United Kingdom
  199. cxpartners - User experience consultancy and design
    United Kingdom, Bath cxpartners Giles Colborne giles.colborne@cxpartners.co.uk
    Measure all aspects of user experience. Develop designs and prototypes that perform better in real-world situations.
  200. GUI Designers
    United Kingdom, Berkhamstead/London GUI Designers Robin Heath rheath@gui-designers.co.uk
    Specialists in Customer Centred Design and training for the Web and Windows
  201. Instrata: European-based UCD specialists
    United Kingdom, Cambridge Instrata Rachel Jones info@instrata.co.uk
    Instrata offers services throughout the development lifecycle including people-centred innovation, design research, user requirements, interaction design and evaluation.
  202. Milui HCI Consultancy
    United Kingdom, Cardiff Milui HCI Consultancy Alan J. Salmoni alan@milui.com
    Milui offers experienced and qualified HCI consultancy to organisations. We provide usability advice, interface design and workflow recommendations, with special rates for charities and FOSS projects.
  203. Simplicity User Experience Optimisation English
    United Kingdom, East Sussex, Brighton Simplicity User Experience Optimisation Charlie Maybury info@simplicityuserexperience.co.uk
    'Simplicity User Experience Optimisation' provides User Experience Optimisation services in Brighton, UK. We specialise in Usability, Accessibility, SEO and User Experience Optimisation.
  204. Web Design and Development Norwich English
    United Kingdom, England, Norfolk, Norwich Creative Hat Lee Newell lee@creativehat.co.uk
    Web design and development company.
  205. HFE Solutions Ltd
    United Kingdom, Fife, Dunfermline HFE Solutions Ltd WebMaster@hfesolutions.co.uk
    Dunfermline based Human Factors and Ergonomics Consultancy with a special interest in Human Computer Interface and Usability.
  206. Davis Associates - User insights for design English
    United Kingdom, Hertfordshire, Potters Bar Davis Associates Gary Davis gary@davis-associates.co.uk
    We are user insights specialists. User insights inspire and inform the design process. This results in products, systems and services that better fit the needs and abilities of the user.
  207. WestWindMoves Internet Consultants
    United Kingdom, Liverpool support@westwindmoves.com
    WestWindMoves provide consultancy and design accessible standards-compliant web sites for clients wishing to reach a larger target audience.
  208. Connected Systems Ltd.
    United Kingdom, London office@connected-systems.com
  209. Ferguson, Louise: User Experience Consultant, City of Bits Blog
    United Kingdom, London Digital Habitats Louise Ferguson louise@louiseferguson.com
    User experience consultant with a special interest in qualitative approaches to considering users in context.
  210. Flow Interactive Ltd
    United Kingdom, London Flow Interactive Meriel Lenfesty meriel@flow-interactive.com
    Commercial consultancy specialising in usability and interaction design across all forms of user interface. Flow provides solutions and design suggestions to usability problems.
  211. Innovation in Product and Service Design English
    United Kingdom, London Pedro Cubillo info@dilenio.com
    We help organisations to address business challenges and objectives, such as reducing customer churn, or identifying new revenue streams, through innovation in products and services.
  212. Lumivo English
    United Kingdom, London Lumivo Malcolm Otter hello@lumivo.com
    Lumivo specialize in online and mobile competitive benchmarking with large sample sizes of users. We help measure and improve UX and digital effectiveness.
  213. Mahemoff, Michael
    United Kingdom, London Michael Mahemoff michael@mahemoff.com
    Researcher and Analyst-Developer with articles on HCI patterns and knowledge reuse.
  214. Serco Usability Services
    United Kingdom, London Serco Usability Services Nigel Bevan info@usability.serco.com
    By involving users throughout the product design cycle, we help our clients create an effective user experience across a range of new media technologies including: web sites, interactive TV, interactive appliances, mobile internet
  215. Spotless Interactive - UX & UI Design, Research & Usability Agency
    United Kingdom, London Spotless Interactive Ben Logan info@spotless.co.uk
    We are a London based user experience (UX) consultancy that offers a range of services including usability testing, usability training and user experience design. We research users, build interfaces and offer training courses to support user requirements and business goals across websites, intranets, CD/DVD and mobile devices.
  216. System Concepts Ltd. Usability, accessibility, ergonomics consultancy, based in UK
    United Kingdom, London System Concepts Ltd Tom Stewart marketing@system-concepts.com
    We offer independent, practical consultancy and training and a fully equipped usability and accessibility testing facility in central London.
  217. User Centre
    United Kingdom, London User Centre Paul Greasby pgreasby@usercentre.co.uk
    We're a full lifecycle consultancy specialising in Experience Architecture and design
  218. User Solutions: Interaction Design, User Experience and Information Architecture services English
    United Kingdom, London User Solutions Limited Christopher McQueen chris@user-solutions.com
    User Solutions provides Interaction Design, User Experience and Information Architecture services for web applications and interactive digital products.
  219. Userface: UI Design & Usability Evaluation
    United Kingdom, London Userface Ltd Adam Pallant adam@userface.net
    UI design and usability evaluation consultancy based in London, UK
  220. Userfocus
    United Kingdom, London David Travis david.travis@userfocus.co.uk
    Userfocus is a management consultancy providing rigorous insights into audience expectations and behaviour.
  221. UxConsult -- User experience consulting, interface design, prototyping and usability testing
    United Kingdom, London Nicolas Le Clainche
    I am a User Experience strategist, I understand people to create things they enjoy using. At UxConsult we do: research, strategy, interface design, evaluation, usability testing, prototyping.
  222. Webcredible
    United Kingdom, London Webcredible Trenton Moss trenton@webcredible.co.uk
    Webcredible is web usability and accessibility consultancy. The site offers a large resources area and a free website evaluation.
  223. amberlight partners ltd
    United Kingdom, London amberlight partners Gerred Blyth gerred@amber-light.co.uk
    Consultancy that focuses on user-centred design and research
  224. optimum.web ltd. - usability specialists in consulting and research
    United Kingdom, London optimum.web ltd. Keith Simpson, Director info@optimum-web.co.uk
    Optimum.web provides specialist usability consulting and research services based on the principles of HCI (human-computer interaction). The company's clients include the Nationwide, HSBC, Accenture, WHSmith, Diageo, QXL, Microsoft and Intercontinental Hotels.
  225. feelmedia - user focussed solutions for digital media
    United Kingdom, London (central) feelmedia limited Simon Raistrick, director sr@feelmedia.com
    We operate on a single project or cross-project level to enable organisations to produce user-focussed digital media products.
  226. Foviance - Customer experience, usability, accessibility, web analytics English Chinese
    United Kingdom, London; China, Shanghai Foviance Charlotte Wilberforce info@foviance.com
    Foviance is a cross-channel customer experience consultancy to the world's leading brands.
  227. Interaction Design Studio
    United Kingdom, London; Ireland, Dublin Interaction Design Studio Diarmad McNally diarmad@ixdstudio.com
    The Interaction Design Studio specialises in designing usable interfaces for Web sites, Intranets and applications for PC and mobile devices.
  228. HUSAT Research Institute
    United Kingdom, Loughborough Loughborough University Martin Maguire husat-info@lboro.ac.uk
    Human Sciences and Advanced Technology Research Institute
  229. Liverpool Web Design Consultancy
    United Kingdom, Merseyside, Liverpool Web Star Creations William Lee hci@webstarcreations.co.uk
    Liverpool web design consultancy specialising in functional, accessible, standards compliant websites.
  230. Liverpool Web Design Consultancy English
    United Kingdom, Merseyside, Liverpool Positive Web Design Mark Mackinnon info@positivewebdesign.net
    Positive Web Design is a Liverpool based web design consultancy specialising in standards compliant accessible websites.
  231. Pure Interface Ltd.
    United Kingdom, Midlands, Birmingham Pure Interface Ltd. Michael Wilkins info@pureinterface.com
    Human Factors Consultancy specializing in Usability Testing, User Interface Design, Requirements Gathering and Analysis.
  232. Bunnyfoot - UK usability & accessibility specialists
    United Kingdom, Oxford Bunnyfoot Jon Dodd jon@bunnyfoot.com
    Services to enhance the user experience. User testing in our dedicated lab - testing users with special needs a speciality.
  233. designbrown limited
    United Kingdom, Oxford, Woodstock designbrown Duncan Brown dbrown@designbrown.com
    Operating globally to increase the aesthetic appeal of screen based media
  234. UK Consultants
    United Kingdom, Shrewsbury MB4IT Matt Matt323@hotmail.com
  235. IBM Usability Competency Centre
    United Kingdom, Warwickshire, Warwick IBM UK Limited Elliott Hey Usability@uk.ibm.com
    Consulting and education on easy to use websites, GUIs and pervasive devices.
  236. Theo Mandel, Ph.D., Usability & Interface Design Consultant English
    United States, Arizona, Phoenix Interface Design and Development, LLC Theo Mandel theo@theomandel.com
    Theo Mandel, Ph.D. Author, Educator, Consultant in software interface design and usability evaluation. Author of "The Elements of User Interface Design" (Wiley, 1997)
  237. Ergoguys
    United States, Arizona, Scottsdale Ergoguys LLC Scott Scartozzi sscartozzi@cox.net
    Our mission is to assist individuals in the search for computer access solutions by locating, supporting, and selling computer hardware, software and related technologies designed for their specific need.
  238. UI Modeling Company English
    United States, Arizona, Scottsdale UI Modeling Company Yury Vetrov vetrov@uimodeling.com
    UI Modeling Company specializes in user interfaces and usability. We design, model, and specify user interfaces, and we conduct tests and evaluations of usability and accessibility to fulfill the business needs of our worldwide clients.
  239. MindSpan Design (Interaction, UI, & Web design)
    United States, California MindSpan Design Larry Cornett cornett@mindspandesign.com
    Offering a variety of User Experience consulting services to support the design, definition, development, and evaluation of your product's user interface or web site
  240. uLab | Participatory Design Associates
    United States, California, Berkeley uLab | PDA Mitchell Gass mitchell@participatorydesign.com
    User and task analysis, participatory design, in-person and remote usability testing, usability lab design and consulting
  241. Usability and UI Design Training and Consulting English
    United States, California, Brentwood James Hobart jimh@classicsys.com
    Usability design and testing resources and articles.
  242. LukeW Interface Designs English
    United States, California, Campbell LukeW Interface Designs Luke Wroblewski info@lukew.com
    LukeW Interface Designs provides interface design services for Web applications, Rich Internet applications, Web sites, and Web-based multimedia.
  243. Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.
    United States, California, Emeryville Aaron Marcus Aaron@AMandA.com
    "Designs user interfaces that enhance communication, productivity, and user satisfaction."
  244. Usernomics - The Usability Company
    United States, California, Foster City Usernomics Robert Kaplan support@usernomics.com
    Consultants in user interface design, human factors, workplace ergonomics, training, and documentation.
  245. Nielsen Norman Group
    United States, California, Freemont Jakob Nielsen info@nngroup.com
    "Strategies to enhance the user experience throughout your company's services and product lines."
  246. Adducive: user interface design, analysis & production
    United States, California, Fremont Adducive Brian Krause brk@adducive.com
    UI consulting, including prototyping, for speech recognition, IVR, handheld, web-based, and desktop applications.
  247. Batchlabs: Application Development
    United States, California, Fresno Fresno State University Michael Campbell michael.campbell@batchlabs.com
    Website design, flash design, application development, and custom programming.
  248. Palmer, Charles William - Land of Objects
    United States, California, Los Alamitos The Land of Objects Charles William Palmer bill.palmer@landofobjects.net
    The Land of Objects is the cyberspace location for Mr. Charles William Palmer. Mr. Palmer performs specialized independent consulting in human-computer interaction and is an expert in object-oriented development and distributed system architectures.
  249. Game Usability Testing
    United States, California, Los Angeles Behavioristics, Inc. Heather Desurvire heather3@gte.net
    Usability Consulting services for software, games of all types, websites, telephone based interfaces.
  250. Interaction by Design
    United States, California, Los Angeles George Olsen george@interactionbydesign.com
    "Creating compelling user experiences"
  251. Usability Analyst / User Experience Designer English
    United States, California, Los Angeles Srinivas Manda laksinu@laksinu.com
    LAKSINU.COM is my personal website and currently working as User Experience Designer in WALT DISNEY in Los Angeles. I am looking forward to enhance my career towards Usability Engineering and Usability Testing... My job is to enhance the user experience while delivering increased web site sales, customer partner satisfaction, make the end users' software applications more user-friendly and navigational.
  252. Beta Research, Inc.
    United States, California, Los Gatos Beta Research, Inc. Alfred T. Lee atlee@beta-research.com
    Consulting and research in human factors, ergonomics, usability, and safety in product and system design.
  253. Riander
    United States, California, Mill Valley Riander Richard I. Anderson rianderson@acm.org
    organizational strategy development, team & individual coaching, hands-on participation, workshops, and educational events
  254. Monterey Technologies, Inc. (MTI)
    United States, California, Monterey Becky Hooey bhooey@montereytechnologies.com
    MTI provides user-centered design and analysis services for software, web applications, hardware, and consumer electronics.
  255. Cooper Interaction Design
    United States, California, Palo Alto
  256. HT Consulting
    United States, California, Palo Alto HT Consulting Howard Tamler htamler@acm.org
    Providing usability assessment services (usability testing, expert reviews, etc.) for web sites, software, & documentation.
  257. Nectarine Group Inc.
    United States, California, Palo Alto Nectarine Group Inc. Jeff Tycz info@nectarinegroup.com
    Nectarine Group is a user experience design firm that works exclusively with technology companies to design easy to use software for the digital home and mobile domains. We help our clients differentiate themselves by designing products and services that their customers love to use. We're located in Palo Alto and deliver a full range of user experience services.
  258. schrier | user experience
    United States, California, Palo Alto Jaclyn Schrier jackie@schrier.net
    specializes in identifying user goals, wants and needs, designing user interfaces, and evaluating product usefulness and usability for interactive software products and services
  259. James, Janice - Usability Consultant
    United States, California, Palo Alto, Texas, Dallas/Ft. Worth Simply Usable through Design Janice James janice@simplyusable.com
    Provides user centered design services including user interface design and research, heuristic (expert) evaluations, contextual inquiry and task analysis studies, competitive evaluations, and usability mentoring and training.
  260. EyeTracking Inc.
    United States, California, San Diego Tim Drapeau td@eyetracking.com
    EyeTracking offers a new consulting service and resource for HCI engineers and/or designers of visual products. We provide tangible evidence (real-time videos w/point of gaze overlay & intuitive graphical reports) about how users interact & use a visual display or product.
  261. Copywriter for Interaction Design
    United States, California, San Francisco Louisa Sugar Design Louisa Sugar louisa@louisasugar.com
    I write for interaction design: mobile and handheld user interfaces, Web and desktop applications, Flash, product demos and usability testing reports.
  262. Johnson, Jeff - UI Wizards, Inc.
    United States, California, San Francisco UI Wizards, Inc. Jeff Johnson jjohnson@uiwizards.com
    Product Usability Consulting: UI Design, Expert Design Review, Usability Testing, Training.
  263. Paradyme, LLC - Intelligent User Experience Design English
    United States, California, San Francisco Paradyme, LLC Sergio Paluch sergio@paradymesolutions.com
    Paradyme, LLC is a consulting firm based in San Francisco that offers user experience design integrated with marketing strategy and analysis.
  264. Sean McLeary Usability Consulting
    United States, California, San Francisco Sean McLeary Usability Consulting Sean McLeary sean@seanmcleary.com
    Providing solutions to web, desktop and mobile usability and interaction design challenges.
  265. Swim Interaction Design Studio
    United States, California, San Francisco Swim Interaction Design Studio Gitta Salomon bouy@swimstudio.com
    Swim consults on and designs interactive products, specializing in hardware, software and web applications.
  266. SysIQ Ecommerce Services and Solutions English
    United States, California, San Francisco SysIQ Arturas Kvederis a.kvederis@sysiq.com
    SysIQ offers e-commerce services and solutions for retail business to succeed online ranging from web site design, usability to e-commerce website hosting and managed services.
  267. Usability Consulting
    United States, California, San Francisco McDonald Consulting Deb McDonald debmcdsf@attbi.com
    Usability testing, design iteration consulting, market research services.
  268. User Interface Design English
    United States, California, San Francisco Zentall User Interface Design Gabe Zentall
    Gabe is user interface designer specializing in rich internet applications and thick-client software.
  269. Ergonomic Systems Design, Inc.
    United States, California, Santa Barbara
  270. Travis Terwilligar HCI
    United States, California, Santa Clara LabXero Travis Terwilligar travis@labxero.com
    User Interface Consulting. Specializing in Interaction Design, Information Architecture, and Usability Testing. Provides full service UI design.
  271. Software Human Factors LLC
    United States, California, Silicon Valley Software Human Factors LLC B. Lauber bennett@_NOSPAM_SoftwareHumanFactors.com
    At Software Human Factors LLC, we work with you and your entire organization to create websites or other software products that have your end users in mind. We provide a wide range of services, including heuristic evaluations, formal usability testing, focus groups, information architecture and nomenclature consultation, Interaction and Interface Design.
  272. theUEgroup: Usability and Human-Centered Design
    United States, California, Silicon Valley theUEgroup LLC Tony Fernandes tony@theuegroup.com
  273. NetRaker
    United States, California, Sunnyvale NetRaker James Landay landay@netraker.com
    NetRaker provides usability and market research services to help you improve the customer experience on your web site.
  274. Productivity Through Technology, Inc.: The GUIguy
    United States, California, Union City Ken Schiff ken@guiguy.com
    "Creating obvious, discoverable, and usable Windows applications and Web sites for business productivity."
  275. Sage Research & Design English
    United States, Colorado, Boulder Sage Research and Design Shannon Halgren shannon@sage-research.com
    Results-Driven User Experience / Human Factors Consulting
  276. William Horton Consulting
    United States, Colorado, Boulder
    "applying human factors to the task of communicating technical information"
  277. Indigio Group: Web Site Usability Testing English
    United States, Colorado, Denver Indigio Group, Inc. Dean Burney dburney@indigio.com
    Indigio Group provides usability services, including recruiting, testing, heuristic analysis, testing facilities and moderation, and data analytics.
  278. NavigationArts
    United States, DC, Washington NavigationArts Mitchel Bell mabell@navigationarts.com
    We provide interactive communications that optimize the business value of your Internet brands. We can help you detect crucial gaps in your online strategy, and build solutions that make the Web work harder for your business.
  279. Provider of usability consulting services for the US Federal Government English
    United States, DC, Washington Aquilent peter.fogelsanger@aquilent.com
    Aquilent provides user-centered design and usability consulting services to the US Federal Government.
  280. HK Interface Design
    United States, Florida, Boca Raton HK Interface Design Inc. Harris Kravatz harris@hkid.org
    HK Interface Design is a professional interface design consulting firm, specializing in Web design, GUI design, user-centered design training and usability testing.
  281. User Experience Consulting Services English
    United States, Florida, Miami Softerware Consulting Ron Akanowicz ron@softerwareconsulting.com
    Softerware Consulting provides user experience and information architecture consulting services for your projects.
  282. Schwarz Internet Consulting
    United States, Florida, Miami Beach Schwarz Internet Consulting Sascha Schwarz mia@schwarzconsulting.biz
    International company providing consulting, project management and marketing. Offices in Miami Beach, FL, USA and Germany.
  283. Atlantic Human Factors
    United States, Florida, Orlando Atlantic Human Factors J. Shawn Farris farris@atlantichumanfactors.com
    Atlantic Human Factors provides human factors and usability consulting services for all phases of product design. Through application of human factors methods that lead to measurable and cost-effective product improvements, our team increases our clients' return on investment.
  284. Breakthrough Usability, Inc.
    United States, Florida, Orlando Breakthrough Usability, Inc. Dan Abelow, President abelow@breakthroughusability.com
    Usability and user performance specialist who helps drive the success of major products, business systems and critical path projects. Assist in producing market leading products, websites and online services that have generated $billions in sales.
  285. Usability Testing and Section 508 Reviews in Atlanta
    United States, Georgia, Atlanta User Insight John M. Morgan contact@userinsight.com
    User Insight provides Usability Testing, Focus Groups and Section 508 Reviews in Atlanta, Georgia.
  286. User-Centered Design, Usability, Workplace Improvement & Training English
    United States, Idaho, Boise PinPoint Performance Solutions Justin Beller justin.beller@pinpointperformance.net
    PinPoint Performance Solutions is a consulting company specializing in Usability Testing and many forms of Needs Analysis to support User-Centered Design on new and existing consumer products including software, websites and web applications. We also support organizations through our Workplace Performance Improvement and Training service offerings.
  287. Human Factors / Usability Engineer
    United States, Illinois, Bloomington Blackwell Consulting Services Nilesh Shah hinilesh@gmail.com
    Have 5 years of experience designing usable interfaces. Have Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from Clemson University, SC USA.
  288. Ajenda Interactive Media
    United States, Illinois, Chicago Ajenda Interactive Media Ajoy Muralidhar ajoy@ajenda.com
    Link opens Flash window
  289. Centralis Group
    United States, Illinois, Chicago Lyman Casey lyman@centralisgroup.com
    Centralis is a Chicago-based User Experience consultancy offering research, testing and design expertise to help clients develop more useful, usable and successful web sites, intranets and other applications.
  290. HannaHodge, Inc.
    United States, Illinois, Chicago Parrish Hanna parrish@hannahodge.com
    Combining Art and Science to provide valuable services in User Interface Design and Branding
  291. Visde
    United States, Illinois, Chicago Visde Rachel Powers info@vsde.com
    Visde is a small, agile design firm, located in Chicago, IL. We design and develop exciting, engaging products that lead to positive experiences for customers.
  292. Flair Interactive Services, Inc. English
    United States, Illinois, Schaumburg Flair Interactive Services, Inc. Lisa Kirschner lisa.kirschner@flairinteractive.net
    Flair Interactive is a consulting firm that provides web design and development services, including usability, content, information architecture, visual design and project management. Our focus is on enterprise-level clients and government agencies, including state, local and federal.
  293. Human Factors International, Inc.
    United States, Iowa, Fairfield Douglas Walker hfi@humanfactors.com
    Consulting and training in software usability.
  294. O'Brien, Kevin/Kim: O'Brien Consulting, Inc.
    United States, Kansas, Leawood O'Brien Consulting, Inc. Kevin O'Brien, Kim O'Brien kevin@obrien-consulting.com
    Human Factors Engineering for Useful & Usable Computing: Task Analysis, Interaction Design, and Usability Testing.
  295. Wichita State University, Software Usability Research Lab
    United States, Kansas, Wichita Barbara Chaparro barbara.chaparro@wichita.edu
  296. Arthur Fink Consulting
    United States, Maine, Peaks Island Arthur Fink Consulting Arthur Fink arthur@arthurfink.com
    Consulting on user interface design, relational database design, with particular emphasis on user involvement in the whole system design and development process.
  297. Caspian Design, Product Design English
    United States, Maine, Portland Caspian Design Four Hewes info@caspiandesign.com
    Product design consultancy/studio that specializes in new product design and development, especially user experiences for software and web applications.
  298. WORDNET Foreign Language Translations
    United States, Massachusetts, Acton WORDNET, Inc. Bob Schumacher wordnet@wordnet.com
    WORDNET is an online translation service. Over 20 years experience translating materials for the medical, legal, scientific, manufacturing and other fields. Free quotes, quick turnaround, 55+ languages.
  299. Design and Usability Center at Bentley University English
    United States, Massachusetts, Boston Bentley University William Albert walbert@bentley.edu
    The Design and Usability Center is a user experience research, design, and testing consultancy. Our full-time staff of usability professionals provide an extensive range of research services tailored for clients worldwide.
  300. Ghostweather User Experience and Research Consulting English
    United States, Massachusetts, Boston Lynn Cherny lynn@ghostweather.com
    User experience and requirements research consulting, including quantitative data analysis, data mining, and design prototyping. Also video editing of existing observation and usability footage.
  301. Interaction Design, Inc.
    United States, Massachusetts, Boston Hal Shubin
    User interface design and testing.
  302. Wiklund Research and Design
    United States, Massachusetts, Boston Jonathan Kendler jonathan@wiklundrd.com
    A human factors research and design firm located in the Boston area.
  303. bobgoodman.net
    United States, Massachusetts, Boston bobgoodman.net inc. Bob Goodman bob@bobgoodman.net
    Bob Goodman is a Boston-based Internet professional offering a unique integrated model of consulting and creative services, including user testing, usability analysis, internet strategy, information architecture, creative direction, and copywriting. The usability glossary offers concise, and sometimes funny, real-world definitions of HCI and usability issues culled from the experience of Boston-based usability consultant Bob Goodman.
  304. Polar Design : Multimedia Interface Design
    United States, Massachusetts, Boston, and New York City Polar Design Account Executive contact@polardesign.com
    Interactive design and consulting, with focus on XML driven multimedia interfaces.
  305. User Interface Engineering
    United States, Massachusetts, Bradford
    Lots of good content on usability evaluation, particularly of Web pages.
  306. InContext Enterprises
    United States, Massachusetts, Concord Hugh Beyer
    "guiding teams in the design of products and processes using Contextual Design, our customer-centered approach"
  307. Veridian inSight - Research and Information Design English
    United States, Massachusetts, Concord Veridian inSight, LLC Christine Paulsen cpaulsen@veridianinsight.com
    Veridian inSight provides human factors and usability research as well as information design expertise. We conduct studies internationally.
  308. AFA Design Consultants
    United States, Massachusetts, Hamilton 01982 Arlene Aucella aaucella@afadesign.com
    "Providing usability engineering for computer systems"
  309. Usability inSite English
    United States, Massachusetts, Lowell Usability inSite Kevin Berni info@usabilityinsite.com
    Provider of user research, usability testing, information architecture, and interaction design services across the United States and Canada.
  310. Deborah J. Mayhew & Associates
    United States, Massachusetts, Martha's Vineyard
    "Software Usability Engineering"
  311. Psychsoft Consulting English
    United States, Massachusetts, Quincy Psychsoft Consulting Tim Lynch sales@psychsoftek.com
    Specializes in Psychology of Human/Computer and Human/Robotic interaction.
  312. Constantine & Lockwood, Ltd.
    United States, Massachusetts, Rowley Constantine & Lockwood, Ltd. Larry Constantine lconstantine@compuserve.com
    International consultancy in usage-centered design.
  313. Expert InSite, Inc.
    United States, Massachusetts, Somerville Expert InSite, Inc. Chris McFarlane chris.mcfarlane@expertinsite.com
    Web usability and accessibility consulting firm focused on simplifying the transfer of information between the Web and its users. Specializing in Section 508 compliance and WAI guideline conformance.
  314. RDVO, Inc.
    United States, Massachusetts, Somerville RDVO, Inc. Ben Zipkin bzipkin@rdvo.com
    RDVO is a design consultancy focusing on developing user interface solutions for web, kiosk, devices, and products.
  315. GlobalVision | Translation and Localization Services English
    United States, Massachusetts, Westborough GlobalVision International James White James@globalvis.com
    GlobalVision International, Inc. specializes in providing translation and localization solutions to your industry. We are staffed and equipped with experts who can convert your products, literature and websites from and into all commercial languages.
  316. Diamond Bullet Design
    United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor Stephen Markel dbd@diamondbullet.com
    "design websites and other internet projects with users and usability as our top priorities"
  317. TechReprieve - Giving You a Break from Technology English
    United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor TechReprieve, LLC Mike Monan sales@techreprieve.com
    Usability Services - Design, Testing, and Analysis
  318. Tec-Ed, Inc.
    United States, Michigan, California, New York Tec-Ed, Inc. Beth Almay betha@teced.com
    Tec-Ed is a user advocacy firm specializing in usability evaluation, user interface design, user documentation, and marketing communication; offices in Michigan; California; & New York.
  319. Dray & Associates, Inc.
    United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis Susan M. Dray dray@acm.org
    A consulting firm specializing in user-centered design and evaluation of (international) software and hardware systems and products with the motto "if the USER can't use it, it doesn't work!"
  320. Thakkar, Pinky
    United States, Nebraska, Omaha Pinky Thakkar thakkarpinky@gmail.com
    Experience in Paper, Web Usability. IVR usability testing experience too.
  321. Snyder Consulting
    United States, New Hampshire, Derry Snyder Consulting Carolyn Snyder csnyder@snyderconsulting.net
    Carolyn Snyder works with companies to make their software, web sites, and web applications more user-friendly through usability testing and paper prototyping.
  322. Fitchet, Scott
    United States, New Hampshire, Portsmouth f i g i t a l Scott Fitchet scott@figital.com
  323. Mad*Pow English
    United States, New Hampshire, Portsmouth, 03801 Mad*Pow Amy Cueva josh@madpow.net
    Mad*Pow is a design studio that specializes in designing and building intuitive user experiences for hardware, software, web applications, internal systems, websites and interactive marketing communications.
  324. Cognetics Corporation
    United States, New Jersey, Princeton Junction
    "computer applications, including Internet, Intranet, interfaces, documentation, training, and software customization"
  325. Consultation for the design and testing of application user interfaces.
    United States, New Jersey, West Long Branch Design for Users, LLC James Hubbell jim@designforusers.com
    Design for Users LLC provides consultation for the design and testing of user interfaces for speech, telephony, web, and standard graphical applications.
  326. Change Sciences Group
    United States, New York Change Sciences Group Pamela Ellis pamela@changesciences.com
    A customer experience firm offering a full range of services to increase the return on investment for web sites and other technologies. Usability testing, online testing, competitive reviews, observational research, and ROI-focused strategy.
  327. b c bennett
    United States, New York bcbennett.com Benjamin Bennett
    user interfaces through the integration of technology, business need and aesthetic design
  328. sharf.com
    United States, New York Jennie Sharf sharfweb@hotmail.com
    interaction design | information architecture | heuristic evaluations | wearable computing.
  329. usable products company
    United States, New York usable products company Scott D. Weiss sweiss@usableproducts.com
    Usability, User Interface Design, Focus Group Moderation. Software Process Consulting, as well.
  330. Rhodes, John S.
    United States, New York, Apalachin WebWord.com John S. Rhodes john@WebWord.com
    Founder, Principal and Editor of WebWord.com
  331. Rogerson, Derek
    United States, New York, Brooklyn Derek Rogerson
    Able to find, examine, elucidate, learn of, show, and teach user-experience.
  332. Cohen, Reiven ruv.net
    United States, New York, New York Reuven Cohen ruv@ruv.net
    Reuven Cohen, A.K.A. "ruv" specializes in Usability, Interface design, Graphic Design and Information Management for the Data Storage Industry.
  333. User experience design consulting
    United States, New York, New York 36 Partners, Inc. Joshua Seiden info@36partners.com
    36 Partners is a network of user experience consultants, designers, researchers, and specialists.
  334. MauroNewMedia
    United States, New York, New York City MauroNewMedia, Inc. Charles L. Mauro ucd@mauronewmedia.com
    Founded in 1975, MNM is a provider of professional usability engineering and high performance user interface design consulting services.
  335. Start Simple / Brand Objects, business and product development services.
    United States, New York, New York City Start Simple Stephen Galluccio start@startsimple.com
    Start Simple, a professional source of business and product services offering simple identity solutions for companies. We reduce the business costs of naming and design of web applications by providing packaged web applications, all available for immediate transfer.
  336. TargetSurf
    United States, New York, New York City, Boston TargetSurf, Inc. Anthony Cospito acospito@targetsurf.com
    TargetSurf provides usability analysis tools and services.
  337. Usable Solutions, LLC
    United States, New York; Colorado Usable Solutions, LLC Karen Seidler-Patterson karen@usables.com
    User experience consultancy specializing in user analysis, design, usability evaluation and training.
  338. HumanCentric Technologies
    United States, North Carolina, Cary HumanCentric Technologies Barry Beith sward@humancentrictech.com
    HumanCentric Technologies is a human factors and usability engineering services company.
  339. Midwest Research
    United States, Ohio, Cleveland/Columbus Midwest Research Carol Smith info@mw-research.com
    User research, usability testing and evaluation for web, consumer products and IT solutions.
  340. Lextant Corporation
    United States, Ohio, Columbus Lextant Corporation Chris Rockwell info@lextant.com
    Design for user experience - user research, experience innovation, interactive design, usability evaluation for web, wireless, IT and telecom solutions.
  341. R&R Research, Inc.
    United States, Ohio, Columbus
    "customer-centered systems"
  342. Redesign Research
    United States, Ohio, Dayton Redesign Research Peter H. Jones peter@redesignresearch.com
    A design "boutique" focusing on customer research and interactive experience evaluation, with custom methods adapted from usability, concept, and field research.
  343. Nelson Usability Associates
    United States, Ohio, Yellow Springs Nelson Usability Associates Mike Nelson mike@nelsonusability.com
    Nelson Usability Associates provides consulting services for user research, interaction design, usability evaluation, and training.
  344. Design Threads web site English
    United States, Oregon, Portland Design Threads Janice S. Bradford jsbradford@designthreads.com
    Design Threads specializes in designing and testing user experience of software, web sites, and hardware.
  345. Experience Dynamics - Professional Usability Consultancy
    United States, Oregon, Portland Frank Spillers frankspillers@experiencedynamics.com
    Professional usability consultancy specializes in large scale websites and complex web application and product usability.
  346. Portable Usability Lab Rental
    United States, Oregon, Portland Usability Lab Rental (Experience Dynamics) Frank Spillers sales@usabilitylabrental.com
    Usability Lab Rental offers portable usability labs for rent or purchase.
  347. Sara Bly Consulting
    United States, Oregon, Portland Sara Bly Consulting Sara Bly sara_bly@acm.org
    Consulting on knowledge in observational methods to analyze group interactions and activities, research on the design and use of technologies to support distributed workgroups, practice as a user interface designer, and a background in computer science.
  348. Stubbs, David D.
    United States, Oregon, Portland Usability Architects, Inc. David D. Stubbs david.stubbs@usability-architects.com
    Consultation, training, and down-in-the-trenches work with user-centered methods for product requirements, user interface design, and usability.
  349. Web Design, Usability Engineering and Web Accessibility Consulting English
    United States, Oregon, Portland Mile7, LLC. Damian Conrad damianc@mile7.com
    Mile7 provides web design, usability analysis and web accessibility to companies around the country.
  350. Design Technologies
    United States, Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington) Design Technologies Susan Palmiter contact@designtech
    A customer-centered research and design consulting firm, focused on improving the user experience from web sites to consumer electronics.
  351. Center for On-Line Addiction
    United States, Pennsylvania, Bradford, 16701 University of Pittsburgh Kimberly S. Young ksy@netaddiction.com
    Consults with organizations on the negative impact of Internet misuse among individuals, educational institutions, and corporate settings.
  352. Pero, Kyle
    United States, Pennsylvania, Newtown Kyle Pero kylepero@usableinterface.com
    HCI/Usability/IA consultant. I offer consulting in the areas of user experience, information architecture and usability. View my portfolio, resume and articles I have written.
  353. Our services are designed to assist executives and managers to systematically analyze, reengineer and implement streamlined business operations.
    United States, Pennsylvania, Oley ObjectMania! Consulting, Inc. Terry L. Carpenter, Jr. tlc2@objectmania.com
    Practical application of HCI principles and techniques in the development of Web applications for wireless and wired devices.
  354. MAYA Design Group
    United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh
    "product-design and development consultancy"
  355. Usability Consultant, HCI, Interface Design English
    United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Pink Frog Interactive, Inc Tamella Fritz tamella@pinkfroginteractive.com
    Pink Frog Interactive, Inc. specializes in software usability and interface design. We focus on improving the quality of user experience and human interaction with web applications and product interfaces.
  356. Uzilla: Services and Technology for Web Usability
    United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Andy Edmonds andy@uzilla.net
    Technological and service solutions for web usability.
  357. Do Not Enter - Internet Developer
    United States, South Carolina, Columbia Do Not Enter, Inc James Canavan james@donotenter.com
    Introduction to my resources, programs and work.
  358. The Voice User Interface Company
    United States, South Carolina, Columbia The Voice User Interface Company Walter Rolandi wrolandi@wrolandi.com
    The Voice User Interface Company provides expertise in the design, development and evaluation of telephony based voice user interfaces (VUI).
  359. 8-bit Bear Consulting English
    United States, Texas, Austin 8-bit Bear Consulting Timothy Ballew tim@8bitbearconsulting.com
    We are a team of Human Factors and Usability professionals that specialize in making things easier to use, more engaging and more enjoyable. The end product of our work is a better customer experience.
  360. Consulting firm specializing in the improving the intersection of people and technologies English
    United States, Texas, Austin Cognitive Technologies, Inc. Karen McGraw kmcgraw@cogtechinc.com
    We solve technology project problems by focusing on people issues. We conduct focus groups and interviews using the scenario-based engineering and Performance DNA methodologies to define user-centered requirements and design. We prototype portals and websites to refine requirements. We improve the HCI using agile usability testing methodologies and tools.
  361. Human Interfaces, Inc.
    United States, Texas, Austin Greg Liddell gliddell@humaninterfaces.net
    Usability consulting: Our mission is to help build products that are intuitive and user-friendly.
  362. MONKEYmedia, Inc.
    United States, Texas, Austin MONKEYmedia, Inc. Eric J. Gould eric@monkey.com
    Award winning interaction design, information architecture and interface technology.
  363. ergosoft laboratories, inc.
    United States, Texas, Austin Katherine A. McKee kmckee@ergolabs.com
    usability consulting: web sites and proprietary systems
  364. Barbre Ergonomics consulting and training
    United States, Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth Barbre Ergonomics Bill Barbre barbergo@aol.com
    Ergonomics consulting, training, jobsite evaluations, workstation assistance, office and industrial ergonomics, and free online advice. Led by Bill Barbre CPE.
  365. UExperience, LLC
    United States, Texas, Houston Jiajie Zhang jiajie.zhang@uexperience.com
  366. Medvis: Applied Medical Visualizations English
    United States, Utah, Salt Lake City Applied Medical Visualizations James Agutter jagutter@medvis.com
    Medical Consulting Company that conducts usability services for medical software and products
  367. Forum One Communications
    United States, Virginia, Alexandria Forum One Communications jcashel@forumone.com
    helps people and organizations use the Internet to make a difference. We will work with you through the entire Internet life cycle - from strategic planning through design, development and ongoing management of dynamic websites.
  368. User-Centered Design, Inc.
    United States, Virginia, Ashburn User-Centered Design, Inc. Bill Killam bkillam@user-centereddesign.com
    User-Centered Design represents over 20 years of experience in the design, development, and evaluation of user interfaces of all types. The entire staff is Board Certified in Human Factors Engineering and offers services including design consultation, expert reviews, compliance reviews, heuristic evaluations, and user-based testing.
  369. Carlow International Incorporated
    United States, Virginia, Falls Church
    Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics
  370. Click User Experience: Seattle usability consultant English
    United States, WA, Seattle Click User Experience Jenny Blackburn jenny@clickux.com
    Click UX provides usability and user research consulting in the greater Seattle area.
  371. Usability Architects, Inc.
    United States, Washington, Kirkland Jon Meads main-office@usability-architects.com
    "Specialists in User-Centered Design"
  372. Ascentium - Interactive Marketing and Technology
    United States, Washington, Seattle Ascentium Ken Ohnemus UX@portal.ascentium.com
    We create experiences that engage and retain your customers so you can build enduring, profitable relationships. Ascentium provides a full range of user experience, marketing and technology services.
  373. Blink Interactive Architects
    United States, Washington, Seattle Blink Interactive Architects Kelly Franznick info@blinkia.com
    A Seattle user-centered research, design, and usability firm.
  374. Cibelli, Matthew - UI Architect
    United States, Washington, Seattle UI Architect Matthew Cibelli matt@uiarchitect.com
    User Interface design focusing on an effective execution to meet the business, user and technology requirements. Contributed to many windows products including, Windows 2000, SQL 7 Server, Windows XP and Small Business Server
  375. Interface Concepts
    United States, Washington, Seattle Kathleen M. Potosnak info@interfaceconcepts.com
    A user interface consulting firm specializing in conceptual design for software that's easier to learn and use.
  376. SalemSystems Inc.
    United States, Washington, Seattle SalemSystems Inc. Anita Salem asalem@salemsystems.net/
    SalemSystem Inc. is a usability consulting firm that specializes in early product research, information design, and rapid cycle usability testing.
  377. Surface Design Group
    United States, Washington, Seattle Company Gregory Coomer greg@surfacelabs.com
    We are designers obsessed with making digital experiences easier to understand, simpler to navigate, less cluttered, and more beautiful.
  378. Weinschenk Consulting Group
    United States, Wisconsin, Edgar Weinschenk Consulting Group Susan Weinschenk susan@weinschenk.com
    Consulting and Classes in usability engineering, interface design, and the psychology of technology
  379. Gomoll Research & Design, Inc.
    United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Tom Gomoll info@gomolldesign.com
    A user interface design consultancy specializing in user research, usability, conceptual & visual design.
  380. Atlantic Systems Guild
    United States; United Kingdom Atlantic Systems Guild Tom DeMarco tdemarco@systemsguild.com
    "a consulting organization specializing in the complex processes of system building, with particular emphasis on the human dimension."
  381. Technical communication services English
    new Zealand, Nelson CharlieHorse Technical Communication Services Anthea Whitlock anthea@charliehorse.co.nz
    CharlieHorse provides a range of technical communication services such as technical documentation, website copywriting and online communication solutions. Specialising in technical communication for IT systems and related processes, the focus is on people, usability and understanding.

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