HCI Bibliography : HCI Webliography : HCI-SITES : LABORATORIES

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Laboratories with an HCI focus in companies, universities and other organizations.

Laboratories sorted by Location | Laboratories sorted by Last Update

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LABORATORIES : Laboratories with an HCI focus in companies, universities and other organizations

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  1. Advanced Interaction Group United Kingdom
    University of Birmingham
  2. AIM Research Group English United States, Washington, Seattle
    Jacob O. Wobbrock 2010-01-17 University of Washington wobbrock@uw.edu
    The AIM Research Group at the University of Washington comprises Ph.D. students in Information Science and Computer Science working with Dr. Jacob O. Wobbrock on accessibility, interaction, and mobility within the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Our goal is to make information more accessible to constrained users or users in constraining situations.
  3. Alexandria Digital Library United States, California, Santa Barbara
  4. Apple HI Alumni Directory United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis
    Tom Erickson 1998-06-07 snowfall@acm.org
    A directory of former & current Apple HI folk.
  5. Aviz - Visual Analytics Project English France, Orsay
    Jean-Daniel Fekete 2007-10-27 INRIA Jean-Daniel.Fekete@inria.fr
    Aviz is a multidisciplinary project of INRIA Futurs aiming at improving the analysis and visualization of large and complex datasets by combining analysis methods with interactive visualizations.
  6. Bay Area Usability Testing Lab - Interface Analysis Associations United States, California, San Jose
    Anthony D. Andre 1998-08-28 andre@interface-analysis.com
    A configurable usability testing and design research facility.
  7. Belgian Laboratory of Computer-Human Interaction (BCHI) Belgium, Louvain-la-Neuve
    Jean Vanderdonckt 2002-12-07 Universite catholique de Louvain bchi@isys.ucl.ac.be
    The Belgian Laboratory of Computer-Human Interaction (BCHI) conducts research, development, and consulting services in the domain of user interface engineering, a domain between software engineering, human-computer interaction, and usability engineering.
  8. Berkeley Institute of Design English United States, California, Berkeley
    2007-01-08 University of California, Berkeley
  9. Brown HCI United States, Rhode Island, Providence
    Jeff Huang 2015-08-11 Brown University
  10. Captology: The Study of Computers as Persuasive Technologies United States, California, Stanford
    BJ Fogg 1998-08-17 Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab bjfogg@stanford.edu
    a clearinghouse for information on technologies designed to change attitudes and behaviors. The Persuasive Technology Lab investigates the theory, design, and analysis of computers as persuasive technologies (an area we call "captology").
  11. Center for Human Computer Interaction United States, Pennsylvania, University Park
    John M. Carroll 2007-09-18 Penn State
  12. Center for Human-Computer Interaction (CHCI) United States, Virginia, Blacksburg
    Doug A. Bowman Virginia Tech
  13. Centre for HCI Design United Kingdom, London
    Panayiotis Zaphiris 2003-03-15 City University zaphiri@soi.city.ac.uk
  14. Child Computer Interaction Group United Kingdom, England, Preston
    Janet Read 2003-12-04 University of Central Lancashire jcread@uclan.ac.uk
    The group is primarily concerned with research relating to the design and evaluation of interactive artifacts for children. Themes include interface design, novel interaction technologies, usability testing, evaluation paradigms, and educational applications.
  15. Cognitive Engineering Research Group (CERG) Australia, Queensland, Brisbane
    Penelope Sanderson 2002-08-25 The University of Queensland psanderson@humanfactors.uq.edu.au
    Taming complexity: Australia's principal university-based cognitive engineering research group.
  16. Cognitive Ergonomics Laboratory Italian Italy, Rome
    Francesco Di Nocera 2004-11-09 University of Rome "La Sapienza" francesco.dinocera@uniroma1.it
  17. Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory United States, Ohio, Columbus
    David D. Woods Ohio State University smith.131@osu.edu
  18. Communications Research Group United Kingdom
    University of Nottingham
  19. Computer Graphics and HCI Germany
    University of Oldenburg
  20. Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab United States, New York, New York
    Columbia University
  21. CREW: Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor
    Judy Olson 1998-06-26 University of Michigan jsolson@umich.edu
    Multidisciplinary research group conducting work on technology support for face-to-face and remote work.
  22. CRUC - Center of Research in Ubiquitous Computing English Pakistan, Karachi
    Zubair A. Shaikh 2009-11-02 FAST National University of Computer & Emerging Sc. zubair.shaikh@nu.edu.pk
    Low cost, efficient ubiquitous computing research in 3rd world countries. Identifying issues related to cultural diversity, provenance and collaborative work environments and context aware rich environments.
  23. CURE - Center for Usability Research & Engineering Austria, Vienna
    Manfred Tscheligi 2005-06-06 CURE - Center for Usability Research & Engineering cure@cure.at
    CURE plays an active role in defining and developing Usability Research. CURE applies the potential of Usability Engineering to complex real world situations that are at the leading edge of technological and application innovation.
  24. Data Visualization Research Lab United States, New Hampshire, Durham
    2000-08-29 University of New Hampshire colinw@cisunix.unh.edu
    Lab devoted to Human-Computer Interaction and interactive data visualization
  25. Design Of Learning, Collaboration and Experience United States, Pennsylvania, University Park
    Chris Hoadley 2005-10-13 Penn State University hcibib@tophe.net
    The dolcelab studies the design of human learning and collaboration in relation to technology.
  26. Digital Interaction Group, Culture Lab, Newcastle University English United Kingdom, Newcastle upon Tyne
    2014-08-23 Newcastle University p.l.olivier@ncl.ac.uk
    DIG is an HCI and ubiquitous computing research group of the School of Computing Science at Newcastle University (UK). DIG is currently based in Culture Lab. Established in 2006, the group is formed of a core team of around sixty academics, postdoctoral and PhD researchers. DIG's work is focused on the experience-centred, participatory design of innovative digital technology. The group aims to conduct cross disciplinary research that incorporates the skills and knowledge brought to the group by researchers from an array disciplinary perspectives includes computer science, electronics, health studies, fine arts, social gerontology, psychology, electronic engineering, sociology, education and design.
  27. Digital Media Lab English Iran, Tehran
    Hamid R. Rabiee 2011-04-16 Department of Computer Engineering - Sharif University of Technology zolghadr@dml.ir
    The mission of the DML is to perform innovative research in the areas of: Multimedia Systems, Complex Networks, Overlay/P2P and Wireless Networks, Human-Centered Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  28. Distributed Cognition and HCI Lab United States, California, La Jolla
    Jim Hollan 2001-09-05 University of California, San Diego hollan@cogsci.ucsd.edu
    Research in the UCSD DCOG-HCI Lab ranges across cognitive science. We are particularly interested in understanding interactions among people and technology.
  29. Division of HCI Sweden
    Uppsala University, Department of Information Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences
  30. Dresdner Usability-Beratung German Germany, Dresden
    Gunter Dubrau 2002-06-10 Dresdner Usability-Beratung gunter@dubrau.de
  31. DUB Group - Design : Use : Build English United States, Washington, Seattle
    Jacob O. Wobbrock 2010-01-17 University of Washington wobbrock@uw.edu
    The multi-departmental DUB (design:use:build) group at the University of Washington.
  32. Dynamic Graphics Project (DGP) Canada, Ontario, Toronto
    Ron Baecker University of Toronto
  33. Engelbart Institute United States, California, Freemont
    Douglas Engelbart 2013-07-02
    "help organizations transform into high-performance organizations" Contains links to many pioneering publications.
  34. Ergonomics and HCI Unit United Kingdom, England, London
    University College London
  35. FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc. English, Japanese United States, California, Palo Alto, 94304
    Gene Golovchinsky 2009-07-14 FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc. gene@fxpal.com
    FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc. (FXPAL) is a leading multimedia research laboratory established in 1995 by Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. FXPAL researchers invent information technologies intended to address key issues affecting businesses and society.
  36. Game Systems and Interaction Research Laboratory English, Swedish Sweden, Blekinge, Karlskrona
    Lennart Nacke 2009-07-22 Blekinge Institute of Technology Lennart.Nacke@bth.se
    The group incorporates research themes including methodologies for design, game and interaction design, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), and new paradigms for information technologies (e.g. ubiquitous computing, wearable and mobile technologies, user adaptive systems, robotics).
  37. GeroInformatics Workshop United States, Michigan, Detroit
    Wayne State University
  38. GIST: Glasgow Interactive Systems Group United Kingdom, Scotland, Glasgow
    2010-04-20 University of Glasgow
    GIST is an inter-disciplinary Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research group based at the University of Glasgow investigating all aspects of interactive systems focusing on ubiquitous computing, multimodal interaction, visualisation and modelling. Key areas: * Mobile, wireless and ubiquitous computing * Interactive system architectures * Multimodal interaction (haptics, earcons and 3D sound) * Interfaces for blind, visually impaired people and older people * Home care systems * Collaborative filtering visualisation and information retrieval * Accident analysis and safety critical systems * User modelling and pattern recognition * Theories of information representation * Web authentification, Dynahand, email stress * Electronic Voting Systems, Schools Computing
  39. Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center (GVU) United States, Georgia, Atlanta
    Georgia Tech
  40. Group Interaction Homme-Machine (Man-Machine) English France, Paris
    Wendy Mackay University of Paris Sud
  41. groupe Interaction Homme-Machine French France, Orsay
    Michel Beaudouin-Lafon 1998-08-19 University of Paris-Sud mbl@lri.fr
    HCI laboratory: CSCW, Interaction morphology, Information Visualization
  42. Grouplab: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware Research Laboratory Canada, Alberta, Calgary
    Saul Greenberg University of Calgary, Department of Computer Science saul@cpsc.ucalgary.ca
    A research laboratory concerned with Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware
  43. GroupLens Laboratory English United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis
    Angela Brandt 2009-05-21 University of Minnesota gladmin@cs.umn.edu
    GroupLens is a research lab in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota. We conduct research in several areas, including recommender systems, online communities, mobile and ubiquitious technologies, digital libraries, local geographic information systems.
  44. Groupware Task Analysis Netherlands, Amsterdam
    Martijn van Welie 1999-02-16 Vrije Universiteit martijn@cs.vu.nl
    a location on task analysis and user interface design
  45. GVI: Graphics, Visualization, & Interaction Group United States, Rhode Island, Providence
    Andy van Dam 2015-08-11 Brown University
  46. Hawaii Computer-Human Interaction Lab (HICHI) English United States, Hawaii, Honolulu
    Scott P. Robertson 2011-06-22 University of Hawaii scott.robertson@hawaii.edu
    We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers interested in understanding how people use information systems and dedicated to informing design based on observation of human activities.
  47. HCI Group at CLIPS-IMAG Laboratory France, Grenoble
    Joëlle Coutaz 1999-06-12 University of Grenoble joelle.coutaz@imag.fr
    Software Architecture, Multimodal Interaction, Computer Vision
  48. HCI Lab - University of Udine, Italy Italy
    Luca Chittaro 2002-12-31 University of Udine chittaro@dimi.uniud.it
    The Web site of the HCI Lab at the University of Udine, Italy. Active projects concerns Virtual Reality, Mobile devices and services, Information Visualization, Web3D sites.
  49. HCI Laboratory Japan
    Toyohashi University of Technology
  50. HCI Sidene hos NTNU Norway, Trondheim
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  51. hci.gr - HCI Greece Greece, Patras
    Spiros Sirmakessis 2001-09-12 University of Patras, Computer Engineering and Informatics Department syrma@cti.gr
    hci.gr is the first usability service provider for Greece. We provide design guidelines and evaluation to interactive systems, such as e-commerce applications (b-b & b-c), multimedia applications, e-learning environments and e-banking services.
  52. HFRG: Human Factors Research Group Ireland, Cork
    Human Factors Research Group, University College Cork
    "The Usability Evaluation Specialists in Ireland with Global Connections!"
  53. HMI Graduate School Sweden
    Kjell Ohlsson 2000-03-31 Depts of Mechanical Engineering/ Computer Science, Linkoping University kjeoh@ikp.liu.se
    HMI Graduate School embraces about 65 graduate students and 30 faculty members in Linkoping and Stockholm
  54. Human - Computer Interaction Laboratory English, Greek Greece, Crete, Heraklion
    Constantine Stephanidis 2007-11-16 Institute of Computer Science (ICS) - Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH). cs@ics.forth.gr
    The Laboratory carries out research activities focused on developing user interfaces for interactive applications and services that are accessible, usable, and ultimately acceptable for diverse users in the Information Society.
  55. Human Computer Interaction Lab. @ KAIST Republic of Korea, Daejeon
    Geehyuk Lee 2012-11-07
  56. Human Factors and Aging Laboratory
    Arthur D. Fisk 2011-02-03 Georgia Tech: Human Factors and Aging Laboratory
    At Georgia Tech, human factors and aging is studied from the broad perspective representative of the field of human factors. The Human Factors and Aging Laboratory is specifically oriented toward developing a fundamental understanding of aging, cognition, and attention. The Human Factors and Aging Laboratory is also committed to bringing that fundamental basic knowledge to bear on design issues important to the quality and safety of activities of daily living encountered by older adults.
  57. Human Interface Technology Lab United States, Washington, Seattle
    University of Washington
  58. Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand New Zealand, Canterbury, Christchurch
    2003-05-18 Canterbury University info@hitlabnz.org
  59. Human Media Lab Canada, Ontario, Kingston
    Roel Vertegaal 2001-10-05 Queen's University roel@acm.org
    The Human Media Lab is a research institute at the Department of Computing and Information Science at Queen's University. It's main topic of research is the psychology and design of nonverbal human-computer interaction.
  60. Human Oriented Technology Lab (HOT Lab) English Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
    Richard F. Dillon 2002-08-25 Carleton University ddillon@ccs.carleton.ca
    The HOT Lab is a university-based centre for research, education, and consulting that strives to improve interactive technologies for human endeavors with an emphasis on human computer interaction and a user-centred design approach.
  61. Human Systems Integration Information Analysis Center (HSIIAC) United States, Ohio, Dayton
    A government owned, contract operated agency that deals with the interface between the human component of a system and its hardware and software using a total system approach
  62. Human-centered Environments for Learning and Programming (HELP) Lab at Washington State University English United States, Washington, Pullman
    Chris Hundhausen 2012-03-22 Washington State University hundhaus@wsu.edu
    The HELP Lab at Washington State University performs research at the intersection of human-computer interaction and education. Using the diverse methods of human-computer interaction, we design and empirically evaluate computer technologies and pedagogical approaches that help undergraduate students learn within the domains of engineering and computer science.
  63. Human-Computer Interaction United States, Virginia, Charlottesville
    Stephanie Guerlain 2001-12-17 University of Virginia guerlain@virginia.edu
    Undergraduate and Graduate program in human-computer interaction and/or cognitive engineering. Research in decision support in medical and military applications. Cognitive engineering research in medical, military, transportation and process control. Eye-gaze technology for usability testing and the disabled.
  64. Human-Computer Interaction (HCIL) United States, Maryland, College Park
    Allison Druin 2007-02-12 Maryland at College Park, University of hcil-info@cs.umd.edu
  65. Human-Computer Interaction Design United States, California, Stanford
    Terry Winograd 1998-05-21 Stanford University winograd@cs.stanford.edu
  66. Human-Computer Interaction Group United Kingdom
    University of York
  67. Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh
    Vincent Aleven 2010-08-26 Carnegie Mellon University
  68. Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory English United States, Wisconsin, Madison
    Bilge Mutlu 2010-06-19 Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin -- Madison bmutlu@wisc.edu
    At the Human-Computer Interaction Lab, we are interested in designing and developing interactive systems -- particularly social agents and robots -- and understanding their relationship with people. Our current work spans analyzing and building computational models of human social behavior, developing robots and agents that can enact social behavior, and designing applications that can provide people with positive social and cognitive benefits in education, rehabilitation, and therapy.
  69. HUSAT Research Institute United Kingdom, Loughborough
    Martin Maguire 2001-07-12 Loughborough University husat-info@lboro.ac.uk
    Human Sciences and Advanced Technology Research Institute
  70. IBM Almaden Research Center United States, California, San Jose
    2000-06-07 IBM
  71. IDLAB: Interaction Design Laboratory English Estonia, Harjumaa, Tallinn
    David Lamas 2015-03-03 Tallinn University, Institute of Informatics drl@tlu.ee
    IDLAB started as a branch of Institute of Informatics at Tallinn University in 2009, as a research, design and innovation unit contributing towards the knowledge and skills of the Institute in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Interaction Design (IxD).
  72. IKU research unit English French Belgium
    Francise Decortis 2005-06-24 University of Liege francoise.decortis@ulg.ac.be
    IKU is a research unit which explores cooperative interactions and mediated and situated knowledge.
  73. Informedia Digital Video Library Project United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh
    Carnegie Mellon University
    The overarching goal of the Informedia initiatives is to achieve machine understanding of video and film media, including all aspects of search, retrieval, visualization and summarization in both contemporaneous and archival content collections. The base technology developed under Informedia-I combines speech, image and natural language understanding to automatically transcribe, segment and index linear video for intelligent search and image retrieval. Informedia-II seeks to improve the dynamic extraction, summarization, visualization, and presentation of distributed video, automatically producing "collages" and "auto-documentaries" that summarize documents from text, images, audio and video into one single abstraction.
  74. Institute of Design, IIT United States, Illinois, Chicago
    Vincent LaConte 2003-02-10 Institute of Design vincent.laconte@id.iit.edu
    The Institute of Design is the country's largest graduate school of design, concentrating on human-centered methods for designing new technologies.
  75. Inter-Language Unification United States, California, Palo Alto
    Xerox PARC
  76. Interaction Design Centre Ireland
    Liam Bannon 2001-10-30 University of Limerick
  77. Interaction Design Centre, Middlesex University, London English United Kingdom, London
    William Wong 2008-02-14 School of Computing Science, Middlesex University w.wong@mdx.ac.uk
    We investigate how people manipulate and interact with computers and information, how individuals and teams use computers to control systems and processes, and how software should be designed and built to support the nature of such work.
  78. Interaction Lab | University of Saskatchewan English Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
    Carl Gutwin 2010-11-24 University of Saskatchewan gutwin@cs.usask.ca
    The Human-Computer Interaction Lab is a research facility in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Saskatchewan.
  79. Interactive Computing Environments (ICE) Laboratory United States, Illinois, Chicago
    University of Illinois at Chicago
  80. Interactive Media Lab (IML) Canada, Ontario, Toronto
    Mark Chignell 2001-01-01 University of Toronto, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Human Factors group
    "carries out research on the improvement of user interfaces for information systems. This research includes the design and testing of innovative multimedia environments, and usability testing of existing interfaces and systems"
  81. Interactive Systems Group United States, Texas, El Paso
    David Novick 2001-12-13 University of Texas at El Paso
    Conducts research in models of interaction and the engineering of interactive systems. Our research builds knowledge at the confluence of human-computer interaction, computational linguistics and spoken-language systems.
  82. Interactive Systems Lab Germany
  83. Interactive Systems Research Center United States, Maryland, Baltimore
    Andrew Sears 2002-03-28 UMBC asears@umbc.edu
    ISRC researchers investigate the design, implementation, and evaluation of interactive systems with the purpose of supporting the development of systems that are both usable and accessible. Our emphasis is two-fold: theoretical contributions and practical results. Through theoretical contributions, we advance our knowledge and understanding of how humans interact with computers. Through practical results, we improve the lives of those individuals that interact with technology.
  84. INUSE - European Usability Support Centres United Kingdom
  85. ISISlab Italy, Salerno, Baroniss
    Rosario De Chiara 2005-03-25 Universita degli Studi di Salerno dechiara@dia.unisa.it
  86. ISRG: Interactive Systems Research Group English Canada, Ontario, Toronto
    Scott MacKenzie 2009-06-28 York University
  87. ISU Studio for New Media English United States, Iowa, Ames
    Geoffrey Sauer 2006-03-05 Iowa State University geoff@eserver.org
    The Studio for New Media studies effective development of interfaces to multimedia and new media products.
  88. Knowledge Media Design Institute Canada, Ontario, Toronto
    Joel Alleyne 2001-01-01 University of Toronto
    Research Themes: * Knowledge media for learning - the application of computer, communications, and cognitive sciences to knowledge building, problem solving, planning, education, and training, especially to facilitate collaborative, distance and multimedia-based learning * Technologies for knowledge media - research and development of technologies and the technological infrastructure required to construct knowledge media, including interactive computer graphics, scientific visualization, hypertext, multimedia, databases, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence * Human-centred design - the design science of human-computer interaction and of the creation of innovative computer systems and interfaces appropriate for human use, and more generally in the human factors of complex real-world systems and t echnologies, as rooted in research from applied cognitive science, psychology, and sociology * Knowledge media, culture, and society - reflection and analysis of the social implications of the increasing reliance on new technologies. As information and new media technologies challenge fundamental beliefs, this area of research deals broadly with such issues as the nature of communities and institutions, work and employment, the balance of public and private good, privacy, copyright and intellectual property.
  89. Laboratory for Automation Psychology United States, Maryland, College Park
    University of Maryland
  90. Laboratory of Applied Computer Science (LISI: Laboratoire d'Informatique Scientifique et Industrielle) France, Poitiers
    Patrick Girard 1999-01-19 National School of Engineers in Mechanics and Aerotechnics girard@ensma.fr
    Formal methods programming by demonstration, error recovery
  91. Liquid Information Organization
    "Our premise is that we don't interface with computers, - we interface with information, and people, increasingly through computers."
  92. Media Computing Group English, German Germany, NRW, Aachen
    Jan Borchers 2007-10-22 RWTH Aachen University borchers@cs.rwth-aachen.de
    We conduct research in Media Computing and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) that goes beyond today's graphical user interface and desktop metaphor. Grounded in Computer Science, we develop and study new interaction theories, techniques, and systems in the areas of interaction with multimedia, ubiquitous computing environments, tangible user interfaces, and HCI design patterns. Our goal is to make the Brave New World of ubiquitous multimedia technologies useful by making it usable.
  93. Media Interface and Network Design Lab United States, Michigan, East Lansing
    Frank Biocca 2000-01-09 Michigan State University biocca@tcimet.net
    "The Media Interface and Network Design Labs (M.I.N.D. Labs) are a network of state-of-the-art research facilities in communication and human-computer interaction. Communication and human-computer interaction researchers conduct rigorous scientific studies of human physical, cognitive, communication, and organizational performance in computer-based environments."
  94. METU Human Computer Interaction Research and Application Laboratory English, Turkish Turkey/ Ankara
    Ozge Alacam 2010-03-31 Middle East Technical University ibe@metu.edu.tr
    METU Computer Center Human Computer Interaction Research and Application Laboratory provides eye tracking facility, consultancy and lab. environment for academic/ public foundations and private companies, and perform full usability testing.
  95. Microsoft Usability Home Page United States, Washington, Redmond
  96. Microsoft User Interface Research Group United States, Washington, Redmond
    George Robertson 1998-06-25 Microsoft Research ggr@microsoft.com
    Research group focusing on information visualization and multimodal user interaction.
  97. MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab United States, Massachusetts, Cambridge
  98. MIT Center for Coordination Science (CCS) United States, Massachusetts, Cambridge
  99. MIT Laboratory for Computer Science United States, Massachusetts, Cambridge
  100. MIT Media Lab United States, Massachusetts, Cambridge
  101. NSF Information and Intelligent Systems Division United States, Washington
    1998-07-01 National Science Foundation
    "increase the ability to use information for human ends by supporting research to improve the ability to generate, store, organize, locate, communicate, and store knowledge using new technologies"
  102. OCLC Human-Computer Interaction United States, Ohio, Dublin
    Mike Prasse 2000-07-07 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. prasse@oclc.org
    Our goal is to be a source of interaction, debate, and information about how people interact with computers in the library environment.
  103. Personal Information Management English United States, Washington, Seattle
    William Jones 2005-12-09 University of Washington, Information School williamj@u.washington.edu
    Personal information management or PIM is attracting increasing attention as an area of study. In the ideal world, we have the right information at the right time, in the right place, in the right form, and of sufficient completeness and quality to perform the current activity. Tools and technologies help so that we spend less time with burdensome and error prone actions of information management (such as filing). We then have more time to make creative, intelligent use of the information at hand in order to get things done
  104. Pliant Research
    "a group of researchers interested in the mismatch between the rigidity of current computing technology and the richness of human lives and practices."
  105. Portable Usability Lab Rental United States, Oregon, Portland
    Frank Spillers 2004-10-07 Usability Lab Rental (Experience Dynamics) sales@usabilitylabrental.com
    Usability Lab Rental offers portable usability labs for rent or purchase.
  106. Psychology of Design (PoD) Laboratory English United States, Missouri, St. Joseph
    Jeremiah D. Still 2011-04-08 Missouri Western State University jstill2@missouriwestern.edu
    Research in the PoD focuses on the creation of usable interfaces by adapting psychological theories to the design process. The goal of PoD is to scientifically develop and test design considerations using formal and practical methodologies.
  107. Psychology of Design (PoD) Laboratory United States, California, San Jose
    2014-06-29 San Jose State University
    Our Goals are to Develop: * Outstanding User Experience Researchers * Improved Theories Supporting Intuitive Design * Stronger Human-Centered Design Methodologies * Easier to Search Complex Displays * Healthier Cybersecurity Systems
  108. Research in Human-Computer Interaction Finland, Tampere
    University of Tampere
  109. SBU UX-LAB Farsi Iran, Tehran
    Kaveh Bazargan 2015-12-17 Shahid Beheshti University, School of Management and Accounting, Department of Information Technology Management
    Assesses usability, accessibility and user experience of all public information systems.
  110. School of Information United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor
    Judy Olson 1998-06-26 University of Michigan jsolson@umich.edu
    A new school that blends psychology, computer science, information science, and economics.
  111. School of Interactive Computing United States, Georgia, Atlanta
    Gregory Abowd 2010-08-26 Georgia Institute of Technology
  112. scoreberlin - Strategic Consulting, Research & Evaluation German Germany, Berlin
    Marcus Voelkel 2002-07-22 scoreberlin internet consulting & communication mv@scoreberlin.de
    Usability, Consulting & Communication Heuristic evaluations, usability tests and analyses, articles on web and content usability.
  113. Sino-European Usability Center English, Chinese China, Dalian
    Zhengjie Liu 2006-03-23 Sino-European Usability Center, Dalian Maritime University liuzhj@dlmu.edu.cn
    Founded in 2000, Sino-European Usability Center is an usability/HCI research lab and consultancy in China with a team of around 40. It works on projects sponsored by international companies and public funds. It offers Master and PhD programs in HCI.
  114. Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. Japan, Tokyo
    Toshiyuki Masui 1999-05-17 masui@acm.org
    HCI research organization in Japan.
  115. Systems Engineering and Human-Machine Systems German Germany
    University of Kassel
  116. TableTop Interaction Laboratory, t2i Lab, Chalmers English Sweden, Gothenburg
    Morten Fjeld 2009-05-21 CSE, Chalmers fjeld@chalmers.se
    The objective behind Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) is to allow users to interact with computers through familiar tangible objects, thereby taking advantage of the richness of the tactile world combined with the power of computer-based simulations. TUIs give physical form to digital information, employing physical artifacts both as representations and controls for computational media. They lend themselves well to collaboration around intelligent tables, or what we call tabletop interaction. The t2i Lab at Chalmers TH is a group of researchers and talented students pushing the edge of interactive technology. We do this primarily by constructing TUIs and tabletop, large-display User Interfaces (UI).
  117. TAUCHI group Finland, Tampere
    Kari-Jouko Raiha 2000-07-19 University of Tampere kjr@cs.uta.fi
    Tampere University Computer-Human Interaction Group
  118. The Keeping Found Things Found Project English United States, Washington, Seattle
    William Jones 2005-12-09 University of Washington, Information School williamj@u.washington.edu
    The classic problem of information retrieval, simply put, is to help people find the relatively small number of things they are looking for (books, articles, web pages, CDs, etc.) from a very large set of possibilities. This classic problem has been studied in many variations and has been addressed through a rich diversity of information retrieval tools and techniques.
  119. Top HCI Research Laboratories Alertbox: Web Usability Newsletter
    Jakob Nielsen 2002-03-31 useit.com
    A core group of elite corporate research labs (and a few universities) defined the field of human-computer interaction and established much of whatever ease of use we now enjoy. With big labs disappearing, the future of HCI research is in jeopardy.
  120. Trace Research and Development Center United States, Wisconsin, Madison
    "Making information technology more usable for everyone"
  121. TUT - Institute of Human-Centered Technology English Finland, Tampere
    Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila 2007-09-18 Tampere University of Technology info-ihte@cs.tut.fi
    The institute of Human-Centered Technology (IHTE) at Tampere University of Technology focuses on investigating user needs, values and requirements as a basis for better technical systems. The research in IHTE aims at developing methods for designing, evaluating and implementing highly usable and acceptable systems. The research is multidisciplinary, and contributes to partner companies' R&D processes and business benefits.
  122. TUV Secure iT - Certified IT Quality through independent experts Germany, Cologne
    Thomas Geis 2002-02-05 TUV Secure iT GmbH thomas.geis@de.tuv.com
    Usability testing of interactive products (software and hardware) based on ISO 9241-10 and ISO 9241-11.
  123. UC Berkeley Digital Library Project United States, California, Berkeley
    University of California, Berkeley
  124. UCL Interaction Centre (UCLIC) United Kingdom, London
    Ann Blandford 2005-10-16 University College London (UCL) A.Blandford@ucl.ac.uk
    Research, teaching and consultancy in HCI, including an advanced Masters in HCI.
  125. umanify - Human-computer interaction via human-like interactive assistants English Spanish Spain, Barcelona
    Umanify 2006-03-24 Umanify.com info@umanify.com
    Our main interest resides in human-centered technologies: voice technologies (TTS /ASR), artificial intelligence, multimodal interfaces for human-machine communication, artificial vision and 2D/3D humanlike digital entities.
  126. University of Illinois Digital Libraries Initiative United States, Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  127. University of Michigan: Usability in the Library English United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor
    2007-02-12 University of Michigan University Library: Usability Working Group ul-usability@umich.edu
    The usability studies represented here have been conducted by various groups throughout the UM Libraries as well as by the Usability Working Group.
  128. University of Patras HCI Group English, Greek Greece, Patras
    N. Avouris 2007-02-26 University of Patras avouris@upatras.gr
    The Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Group of the University of Patras is active since 1994. It is currently hosted by the Computer Systems Lab of the ECE Department, while there are plans for moving in a new building of the Department by the end of 2007.
  129. University Of Saskatchewan HCI Lab Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
    Jeff Dyck 2001-08-24 University Of Saskatchewan jeff.dyck@usask.ca
    Research areas include groupware awareness, groupware architecture, visualization, usability, and others.
  130. Usabilitytesting.nl Netherlands, Soesterberg
    Mark Ruijsendaal 2002-11-05 TNO Human Factors info@usabilitytesting.nl
    Usability testing is an important instrument for systematically addressing the user and usage perspective during system (re)development. This site offers several usability testing services.
  131. User-Lab: Usability Laboratory for Digital Media Design United Kingdom, England, Brimingham
    John Knight 2001-10-12 Birmingham Institute of Art and Design John.Knight@uce.ac.uk
    User-Lab is part of The Research Department at Birmingham Institute of Art and Design. We are an integrated usability laboratory equipped for behavioral research in human-computer interaction and digital media production.
  132. Userminds - experts in Internet communication Danish English Denmark, Copenhagen
    Berit Krickhahn 2003-01-20 Userminds berit.krickhahn@userminds.dk
    Userminds offers experienced moderation and analysis of usability tests, focus groups and user centered design
  133. Virtual Hand Laboratory Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
    Kellogg S. Booth University of British Columbia

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